Thirty Three

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"Aweee he's so precious." Mrs Choi coos over baby Dong Woo who sleeps in his crib besides Aylea's hospital bed. After being in the hospital for three days they finally get to take their little bundle home. Aylea was given maternity leave and her professor allowed her to take her classes online for a little bit.

Seung Jo beams proudly "He is cute isn't he? Just like his dad." He adjusts his little beanie. Aylea rolls her eyes "And you're so proud that he looks just like you aren't you?" Seung Jo grins at her "You're still upset?"

"Yes I'm upset. Nine months. Nine months I carried him and he repays me by looking nothing like me? My genes are supposed to be dominant." She pouts. "Instead he has your nose, your eyes, and he's got that porcelain skin. His ears aren't even a little darker so I know he's going to be pale." She sighs. Mrs Choi laughs lightly "Just wait until he grows. I'm sure he will start to look like you soon enough."

Aylea grumbles, pulling on her sweater. "He's still incredibly cute so he's forgiven. " she smiles picking him up gently and holding him close. "Mama's little man." She says softly in English. "Lets go bust him out of here and lay him down so he can nap." She says, Dong Woo partially awake but mostly asleep. His little eyes peeking open a bit.

"I'll go get the truck." Seung Jo says, heading down. Aylea sits in the wheelchair they made patients leave in, Mrs Choi pushing her to the elevators. "I really am a stupid woman..." Mrs Choi sighs. Aylea raises a brow "Hm? What do you mean?" She looks up at her.

"I spent all that time trying to break you two apart. I lied to my husband and manipulated my only child. I almost ruined the bond between father and child with my selfishness. And Dong Woo...I almost missed being able to hold and cherish him. I'm such a stupid old woman." She shakes her head and wipes her face quickly. "Mom-" Aylea is cut off by the elevator opening and Seung Jo approaching. "Don't say anything." Mrs Choi says wheeling her out.

Seung Jo smiles "Lets go," he takes over pushing her out to the truck and she stands, strapping Dong Woo into his car seat. The nurse who comes to retrieve the wheelchair waves to them smiling as the adults get in the truck. Aylea leans back in her seat, exhausted.

Dong Woo was healthy and sweet. Seung Jo was working hard. Her friends were doing amazing in school. Her parents and in Laws were well. Life was going just fine.

Ughhhhhh i can't let this gooooo

This story was based on a dream I had. I changed a lot of course to make it more dramatic but still 😭😭 my baby

One more chapter? Then a bunch of side chapters 😊😊

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