Special Treat

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Request: Can you do a Lucifer x plus size reader & they're married He's acts all lovey dovey with the reader & is a really sweet guy towards the reader but nobody else gets to see him like that. There's PDA & affection 24/7 between you two & he's super protective. Trixie thinks you're the cutest couple ever, Chole thinks you're good for him bc let's face it you are good for him, & Dan still isn't sure why you're dating him. Bc of that Lucifer keeps an eye on Dan whenever he's around you and he's with you

Lucifer unbuttoned a few buttons of his dress shirt as he rode the elevator up into his penthouse. It was a stressful day for him, dealing with a rather hectic day with the LAPD. He wanted nothing more than to have a drink and relax with you, his spouse. The elevator doors opened with a quiet creak before he stepped out.

"(Y/N), darling!" He called out. "I am home."

"Coming!" He heard you call from the bedroom.

"You will be soon, love!" He smirked as he sat at his bar, pouring a drink for himself and you. He took a sip while watching the entrance of the bedroom. Your head peaks around the corner with a cute smile on your face; it was contagious, making Lucifer smile too.

"How was work today?" You ask while stepping out into the open. You were wearing one of his button up shirt and a pair of lacy black underwear. Lucifer's jaw went slack when his eyes took in your form. Your plumpness made it all the more sexy and cute at the same time, and the way your bare legs looked in the lighting...

"Amazing, dear." He said, seemingly out of breath as he stood up from his seat. "And I am talking about you, not my day." He sauntered over to you. He placed his hands on your hips, pulling you against his body; his usual devilish smirk was clear on his face.

"Thank you dear. You are amazing too, but" Your lips curve upwards while your hands travel up his chest. Your fingers start unbutton his shirt slowly, your eyes never leaving his. "I think you would amazing without any clothes as well."

"I like that idea."

You woke up tangled in the silk sheets on the bed, naked. You wait for a moment for your eyes to get used to the light before looking around. You noticed Lucifer wasn't in bed but there was a note on his pillow. You take it and read it carefully:

My dearest (Y/N),

Sorry I am not there, Amenadiel needed me and you know how we argue. I decided to talk with him down stairs to not disturb you.


You smile and hop out of bed. You slid to the closet and pulled some random clothes and slip them on. You bounded to the elevator and head downstairs to the club level. When the metallic doors open you looked around and saw Lucifer talking with Dan, Chloe, and Trixie.

"Hey everyone!" You wave with a grin. You wrapped your arms around Lucifer's waist. "What brings you here?"

"We wanted to invite you to taco Tuesday tonight!" Trixie grinned and did a little jump.

"Only if you both want to of course." Chloe said while placing her hand on Trixie's shoulders.

"We would be delighted to join you, your spawn, and Detective Douche." Dan rolled his eyes at Lucifer's comment.

"What time do you want us over?" You asked.

"Around 4pm if you can. That is when we will start making them." Chloe replied. "You guys can bring some snacks and drinks as well."

"This will be so fun!" Trixie giggled and gave you and Lucifer a hug. Your grin matched hers while Lucifer tried to hide his distain from the young girl while you welcomed her hug with open arms.

Lucifer Morningstar (Fox) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now