My Acceptance

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"(Y/N) dear?" You heard Lucifer call your name as you entered his penthouse.

"Yes, Luci?" You see him at his bar, a half empty glass of whiskey in his hand. The way his shoulders were slumped over made you concerned."Are you alright?"

"I...I have a question for you" You watch him gulp down the rest of his drink in one go before setting the glass down. He slowly turned around in his seat to face you and his face made your heartbreak. He looked so depressed and upset, even the air around him felt heavy and full of burden. "Why do you love me?"


"How could you love something like me?" You were caught in surprise. Lucifer was usually radiating with confidence but now it was just sadness and self-hatred. "How could you love the son kicked from heaven? The disappointment of the family, the freak." He grabs a bottle that was on the counter and pours it in his glass. He takes in another big gulp before standing up from his seat. "You've seen what I really look, why are you still with me? Why don't you fear me?"

"Lucifer I love you for you." You say honestly. "You have so many good qualities and a very charming personality-"

"You should leave me." He growled, not to you of course. "I'm just a monster." You watched as tears dripped from his sullen eyes.

"Lucifer Morningstar you are not a monster!" Your voice was stern but full of care. "Come here." Slowly he shuffled his way to you. You grabbed the devil and pulled him into a hug, immediately rubbing his back. I nuzzled his head in the nape of your neck, you felt his warm tears drip onto your skin but you didn't care. "Listen to me, Lucifer. You are not a monster nor will I ever leave you. I love you, all of you. Even your true side because that's a part of you. And hey, family disappointment? You know my parents aren't very fond of my choices in life." His shoulders shake as he pull you in tighter to his body. You continue to whisper words of comfort to your love.

Slowly he pulled away from you, no more tears were falling. You place your hands on his upper arms with a smile, which he weakly returned.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this dear." He wiped his face with his hands.

"Whenever you need to talk to someone, you can always count on me. Besides, its not like Linda believes that you're Lucifer like I do." You smile. "Now come on, let's go to get ready for bed."

"Cuddling sounds nice tonight."

"Then we shall cuddle and sleep." A smile broke out onto Luci's face which always made your heart flutter. "Thank you love. For everything."

"You're welcome." You place your hands on his cheeks and place a soft kiss on his lips. His smile grew bigger as he pulled you close to him, enjoying the moment while it lasted.

Lucifer Morningstar (Fox) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now