Brother Dear (Sister!Reader)

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Request: Hey you!! Can I please request a Lucifer Morningstar imagine where the reader is his sister Azrael and she's sent to Earth to try to get him back to hell, but she doesn't actually tried to, she just goes cuz they used to be really close and she just missed him (and he missed her)? Love your blog!! <3 


You look around the Lux nightclub with a smirk on your lips, it was dark and extravagant, the signature Lucifer look. Your bright (e/c) eyes scanned over the crowd of dancing humans, their intoxicated and sin driven behavior made your lip curl up in slight disgust. You were looking for your brother with regards on having him return to hell, but honestly? You missed him and you really didn't care if he returned or not, you just wanted your brother happy. You two were like two peas in a pod back in the day.

Your head perked when you started hearing piano music to the classic song 'Sinner Man' and knew instantly you would find Lucifer by following the sound. You moved around the humans gracefully, like you were dancing in a sense, something your father gifted you for some reason. A way to seem more appealing or something to the souls in heaven. You weren't what went on in the man's head.

You reached the edge of the crowd surrounding a beautiful piano and of course, your brother Lucifer Morningstar. You watched him intently as he started to sing the song. You always loved his piano playing and singing. Your eyes burned into him but he was unaware, putting all his attention in belting out the song. You smile at your little brother, you missed him greatly.

Lucifer held out the last note of song as he continued the finale piano part, his dark eyes looking at all the mix of faces until they landed on one distinct face. His and your's eyes connected a he finished out the song, you never stopped staring at each other. You see him visibly gulp and glance to the bar, no doubt Mazikeen was there. You could feel here baze burn into you like a fire.

He stood up from his piano and gave a slight bow before he signaled you to follow him, which you did with no hesitation.


After the uncomfortably silent elevator ride up, you and Lucifer sit across from each other. He looked at you with an unreadable gaze, his hands put in a prayer position with his fingertips against his lips; it made you chuckle.

"What's so funny?" He finally asked, his hands now relax on the arm rests.

"Oh just it looked like you were praying there for a second, Luci." You smile. "How have you been? How's walking with the humans?"

"It's been a great deal of fun and sin. I've made a few friends and what not. Amenadiel is here too, which reminds me... Why are you here?"

"A few of our brothers up in heaven want me to get you to go back to hell." You noticed him clench his jaw as he squinted his eyes at you. "Of course I'd accept there request."

"So you came to get me back in hell, Azrael?" Hurt was clear in his voice.

"You know I'm not to found of that name, call me my human name: (Y/N)." You roll your eyes. "Of course not, Lucifer. I only told them I was. Truthfully... I miss you, brother dear, and I can't really stand another eon with some of our lesser liked siblings." You noticed his disposition change greatly. He got up from where he was sitting and pulled you into his arms.

"I missed you too, sister dear." He smiled as you wrapped your arms around his waist. "Now! We must catch up. Tell me what I've missed and I will introduce you to my friends. You are staying on Earth right?"

"For as long as I can." You ran a quick hand through his hair. "Are you ever going to change your hair to blonde? I think you will look great with blonde."

"Oh shut it." You laughed as he playfully pushed you.

"Hey Luci?"


"Do you think you could play me that one song we used to love when we were young? That one song we heard when we snuck out of heaven?"

"Of course!" He practically jumped to his piano and you sat next to him. He gave a little stretch of his fingers before pressing down on the cords, playing the tune you both shared fond memories over. You looked to his smiling as he played, your glad to have reconnected with your brother,Lucifer.

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