Robbing Stopped

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You sigh as you finished putting things back to where they belonged at Lux, the bar you worked at. You the last employee at the club (except for Lucifer who was up in his pent house) and you were on closing duty. It wasn't much of a stress to close the place, you've done it before, so when Mazikeen asked you to take her shift, you did.

You finished cleaning up the bar when it was time to go lock the doors and go home. You go to grab your keys when you heard a loud slam from the front doors. Next thing you knew there was a man pointing a handgun in your direction. You breath caught in your throat and fear coursed through your body; you had no idea what to do or if you should do anything. Your throat felt dry and your hands were clammy, you just stared at the gunman as he stared back.

"Unlock the fucking register and don't you dare buzz the alarm." He demanded. You quickly scurry to the register, open it and allowed to robber to start stuffing bills in his pants. In the corner of your (eye color) eyes you saw something glint: a bottle you forgot to put away. While he was distracted with greed, you slowly reached for the alcoholic bottle.

As your hand gripped the neck of the bottle, you swung fast and hit the man in the head. The sound of shattering glass and the man's yell echoed through the empty night club. While he fell his gun clattered against the black floors. You quickly went to kick it away; you sent it sliding away from the two of you. You try a get away from him but you felt a gloved hand grabbed your ankle, making you fall onto the ground hard. He started trying to climb over your fallen body but you were not letting this ass win at all.

"Get off-" You scream as you roll onto your back and try to kick the man in the face struggle away from him. You managed to kick and stun him, giving you the opportunity to get away from him. You get away and go to run, but luck seemed to get away from you in the worst moment. The man got up from the ground and gripped some of your (hair color) locks and pulled you back to him; he flipped you around

"You bitch ruined this for me!" His fist suddenly connected to your face multiple times. You felt the pain of your lip splitting and blood dribbled over your eye from a cut through your eyebrow. He then shoved you back to the floor where he got a few kicks in all over your body.

"What the hell are you doing?!" The familiar voice of Lucifer boomed, as he approached the robber and you. The robber made a mad dash to the door and Lucifer went to go after him until he saw you crumpled on the ground with blood covering your face. "(Y/N)!"

"Ugh- Lucifer?" You mumble, the pain all over your body was starting to really feel the burning pain.

"I will call an ambulance-"

"No! No hospitals." You couldn't go to one. If you went to one, they would call your brother Dan and if Dan found out you worked at Lux, he would throw a fit and make you quit.


"Please." You pleaded with a hoarse voice.

"Fine love, but I will have to take you upstairs. Hold on." Your boss carefully looped an arm under your knees and one to support your back. Carefully he lifted you into his strong arms and carried you to the lift, heading straight up to his loft. In a different situation, you would have been excited to go visit Lucifer's place for the first time but right now you just wanted some pain relievers and twenty-four hours of sleep.

"Alright I'm going to put you in my bed and I'll go get the medical kit from the bar." The door dings and Lucifer brisked you away into a huge bedroom with a giant bed to match. He set you down on the silk sheets and didn't waste anytime going back down to the bar. You sigh and close your eyes, maybe some sleep will help. As you slowly fall into sleep, Lucifer came waltz in the room. "Hey don't fall asleep yet, (Y/N)." He plopped the medical kit next to your bruising form and helped you sit up. He opened up the dark red box and took out a small swab while dipping it in ointment. "Stay still dear this may sting for you." Lucifer slowly dapped ointment on the cut through your eyebrow first and like he said, it stang like a bitch.

"Ouch..." You winced.

"If you don't mind me asking dear, why didn't you want to go to hospital?"

"Well my brother is going to flip is shit about the ordeal and make me quit working at Lux." You stifle a yawn.

"Why on earth would your brother want to do that?" Luci then flipped the swab, put ointment on that side and started dressing you split lip.

"My brother is... Dan." The club owner abruptly stopped to stare at you with a confused face.

"Wait... Dan? As in Detective Douche? He is your brother?"

"Yeah, I'm his little sister."

"Well, at least you aren't as dumb as him." This made you giggle softly before Lucifer continued treating the major wounds on your face. "Okay nothing too 'major' on the rest of you? Or would you like me to undress you?" He smirked and you rolled your eyes, already feeling one starting to swell up. "I'll led you some of my clothing to sleep in and you can sleep in my bed tonight." He began rummaging through his closet before tossing a pair of silk pajama bottoms and a plain grey shirt.

"Where will you sleep, Lucifer?"

"I don't necessarily need sleep dear but there is a guest room I can use." Lucifer smiled. "Goodnight, dear." He left without saying anything else. You decided to take off your work clothes and slip on the night clothes Lucifer had lent you. You yawn again and got under the black covers. The warmth that spread through your body made you fall asleep instantly.

"Oh I almost forgot about the painkillers-" Luci abruptly stopped when he saw you already asleep. A smile grew on his face his face as he approached the bed, placing the Advil and glass of water on the nightstand. He stared down at your bruised but peaceful face before leaning down and placing a soft kiss to you temple.

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