Jagged Scars

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"Lucifer!" You called as you entered his huge penthouse.

Tonight was your first night out in a long time after your most recent break up and your very close friend, Lucifer Morningstar, had promised to take you to places he thought would cheer you up. At first, you were a bit skeptical and didn't think it was the best idea, but he made sure to promise it would be a night without drinking and over-partying.

You opened your mouth once more to call for him but you didn't need to. Luci walked out of his bedroom shirtless and in only his trousers. You face quickly heated up at the sight of hisgorgeous, muscular body.

"Oh hello dear, just looking for my shirt." He gave one of his signature smirks before approaching you. "Or would you like me without a shirt?"

"Don't make me beat you, Luci." You glanced away from him in embarrassment. You did not want to oggle at your friends toned body. As much as you loved him (without his devishly charms), you didn't think you would have a even the slightest chance to become his girlfriend. So you try and act like he is only a friend and nothing more. "C'mon, I'm pretty sure you have double the amount of clothing I have. Finding a shirt shouldn't be too hard."

"Yes but I wanted to wear a certain shirt for this date, (Y/N)."

"D-Date?" You stumbled a bit on the word.

"I said night out; you should go get your ears checked, love." Although you knew he said date and not night out, you could see a light pink color flourish on his nearly flawless face but you mentally slapped the idea of him, the devil, blushing. "Fine, if you are in such of a rush to leaving." Lucifer quickly spun on his heel, his broad back facing your form. A small gasp escaped your lips at the sight.

Two jagged scars lay on his shoulder blades.

"L-Lucifer, your... your back!" The black-haired devil turned to face you again with a some-what sad look. "What happened?" You slowly approached him with worry plastered on your face.

"Oh, it was just something my father did." You could tell he was trying to be casual and shrug it off but you knew him and when he was beginning to get upset.

"God... did this to you?"

"Well no, I-I had Maz cut off my wings. It was a big 'Fuck you, dad!'." This was a first time since you met the fallen angel had you heard sadness come from him.

"Do the scars still hurt?"

"Only sometimes, when I am upset and what not."

"I- this is going to sound weird- I could give you a back massage for whenever they hurt?" You felt your face heat up once more and almost smacked yourself in the face for suggesting such a dumb idea. "I'm sorry I suggested that-"

"I would like that actually." Lucifer cut in to your apologizing. "Right now would be good, actually. They are starting to ache and burn a bit." Usually he would say sexual jokes to you, but you could tell he was being honest with you.

"Go sit down then, Luci." You offer a small smile to him before you placed your small bag on his bar counter. You go and join him on the black sofa. You put you back against the armrest, sat with your legs criss-crossed, with Lucifer's back facing you and his long legs stretched on the remaining cushions. "If hurt you or cause more pain just let me know."

"I doubt you can hurt me at all, (Y/N)." You hesitated for a few seconds before gently beginning rubbing gentle circles from his shoulders all the way down to his mid spine. You made sure to delicately rub the two scars with your fingertips in case of possibly hurting him. You took notice on how his shoulders began to slouch and his muscle soon began to relax as you continued massaging his back. You did different hand forms like kneading, lightly dragging your nails over certain areas, and just basic rubbing.

"You're a pro, my dear." His voice sounded huskier than usual. You watched the back of his head lowly dip back; you wanted to comb your hands through his hair but continued to massage his back and shoulders. And then, breaking the silence, Lucifer let out a low moan. "I'm going to lay back, thank you for the massage (Y/N)." Your face flushed at both the noise and him leaning back to rest his head in your lap.

"Are you comfortable in my lap, Luci?" You ask with a slight laugh.

"Oh yes, five-star lap you got." He chuckled. Things went silent once again, his chocolate brown eyes bore into your pools of (eye color). "Can you lean in a bit, I have a secret." You didn't think your face could feel any warmer but your cheeks were a bright pink.

"This isn't a t-trick, is it?"

"Of course not! It is just a secret." You waited a few seconds before leaning down, bringing your faces merely inches apart. A sincere smile formed by his lips appeared.

"I love you, (Y/N)." His voice was low and you could feel the heat from his breath on your face. You were in complete shock, still processing the three words he had just told you. Lucifer took this opportunity to close the gap and connect his soft lips to yours. Your eyes slowly close along with his as you melted into his passionate kiss; your hands seemed to find their way in his dark locks along with his hands tangled in your (hair color) hair. His tongue was quick to dart into your mouth and explore. He slowly drew back along with you for some air, both your faces were tinted with pink. Slowly me moved from your lap and in a flash, you were now laying on your back with him hovering over you.

"Did you really mean what you said, Lucifer?" You mumble in a whisper.

"With all my being. " One of his large hands cupped your hot cheek.

"I love you too, Luci." You give him a grin which he returns. Soon in melted to his regular smirk.

"So, not that we have confessed these feelings, are we what you humans call 'official'?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Good, as long as I am 'official' with you, I want to stay that way." You felt giggly, like a high schooler in their first romance. "Now I am going to put on a shirt, sweep you off your feet, and hope we can still make the dinner reservation." You watched him jog to his room and within a few seconds he came out in one of his dress shirts. You go to get off the couch but he stops you.

"Thought you wanted to make the reservation-"

"Of course, Darling. But I did say I was going to sweep you off your feet!" He picked you up bridal style with ease and headed towards the doors. You laughed but played along, tonight was going to be blast.

And it ended perfectly, back in Lucifer's penthouse...back in his arms.

Lucifer Morningstar (Fox) one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now