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Namjoon's POV

The movie was really great. It was kind of boring I guess, but (y/n) was here so it made all the difference.

We were about two thirds done with the movie when Jungkook looked at his phone.

"Omo! Did you hear some kid drove their car into the side of the school?! It says that school is cancelled tomorrow and it should start back up again on Thursday," he said.

"No school tomorrow!" Tae squealed. I was going to reply, but I was cut off by a heavy weight on my shoulder.

I looked over and saw (y/n)'s head rested on it. She was sleeping on me. I smiled because of how cute she was.

"No school!" Jimin yelled.

"Shhh!" I cut him off from speaking anymore because I didn't want them to wake (y/n). They all looked at me and I pointed down at her.

"Awww~ Aegyo!" J-Hope squealed while showing his heart smile. He was trying not freak out anymore than he already was.

"Should we wake her up?" Jimin asked quietly.

"Why?" Suga replied.

"So she can go home and get ready for scho- oh... I get it! Nevermind," Jimin said. "But shouldn't she still go home?"

"She can stay here," I said. They all looked at me and I shrugged. They seemed to go along with it too.

I was going to get up and get some extra pillows and blankets, so she can lay on the couch, but as I was trying to move away without waking her, she left my shoulder. The thing is... she left my shoulder and fell on my lap instead.

I was a bit shocked as she continued to curl up and sleep on me. It's really cute, so I decided to just leave her for now.

~time skip~

The movie was over and (y/n) was still curled up on my lap. As much as I wanted her to lay on me, I think all of us going to bed would be the best idea. It getting late and plus, I don't know her that well so it's kind of weird to say I like her laying on me.

"Jin, can you get some extra pillows and blankets?" I asked. He nodded and made his way over to the closet.


I heard a faint noise of a camera and I knew exactly who was behind it's mischievous shutter.

I looked up and found J-Hope with his phone pointed at (y/n) and I. I could kill him. I could, but decided not to because of this situation.

In any other moment though, I probably would have.

J-Hope giggled and bounced away when he saw that I noticed. I sighed and shook my head in annoyance, a smile also creeping up my face. They are idiots, but in a good way. Well, at least most of the time.

I love them though.

I decided to get up, so I put one arm under (y/n)'s knees and the other one under her back. I lifted her up and set her down on the couch.

Jin came and gave me the blankets I asked for. He and the other boys went to get ready for bed. I put the blankets over her and the pillow under her head.

She was still fast asleep which was good. I didn't want to wake her in that process, so mission achieved I guess. I stared at her beautiful face and just admired her facial features. I completely got lost in thought.

"Hyung?" I heard faintly from behind me. It made me jump and snap out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Jungkook with a confused look.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Uhh... I was just putting the blankets over her. That's all," I said leaving out the part where I was technically just staring at her and watching her sleep.

"Sure," he replied skeptically before leaving to his room.

I took one last look at her before I decided to head upstairs.

Before I did though, I kissed her on her forehead.

I hope you guys liked this! Now you have to wait and see what happens  next! Bye bye!

Wishful Thoughts || Kim Namjoon FanFicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon