Detention Pt.2

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Alice's POV-

I left the closet and walked into classroom as Dusty stayed and watched over (y/n).

Even though both her and her backback were in there, her phone was still out here. And how convenient too.

It was still on some game she was playing, but it was unlocked! How coincidental is that. I found her messages and looked for her mom and dad. Then I remembered she didn't have one.

Yeah, I tend to know lots of information about people because of my father. He has lots of business ties.

Anyways, I found her brother's contact. I looked at the previous messages, and I again found a coincidental situation. It basically goes like this.

Her brother sent her a message this morning to remind her that he is supposedly not going to be home all weekend. He is on a trip with something to deal with colleges. I don't care about what he's doing though.

He said she can stay at friend's houses as long as she lets him know. Otherwise she was gonna stay home alone... just perfect.

So I started to type.

I'm going to be staying at some friend's houses this weekend like you said I could.

About a minute later, I got a response back.

Ok. Have fun and remember to do your work still. Be safe!

I replied to his message.

Will do.

I smirked after writing the message. I headed over to my bag, and then I pulled out a cloth and a bottle of chloroform. Then I headed back into the closet.

(Y/n) tried to move, but Dusty kicked her in the stomach which caused her to give up as it seemed.

I walked over and knelt down. She started to move again, but after placing the cloth on her face, she stopped.

I could tell she was trying to resist it, but she eventually lost as she inhaled it.

She was really trying to win.

But two against one kind of kills the chances.

I found the key to the closet on the teachers desk, and I locked the door leaving her in the dark.

After throwing the key back on the desk so it looked like it was never moved, we returned to our seats. We continued what we were doing before.

As if we planned our "thing" on exact time, Namjoon and Mr. Myuk walked in the door. I could see Namjoon immediately noticed (y/n) was missing. He also immediately looked at me like he knew I was the cause.

Wow. You beat one person up and suddenly you aren't trusted by any of their friends. Weird.

"What did you do to (y/n)?" He asked in a stern and marsh manner.

I put my hands up in defense to show my innocence.

"Where did (y/n) go?" Mr. Myuk asked us.

It's not like I wasn't prepared for this.

"She had to leave early for something with her brother. She said she had to stay at one of her friends houses tonight too," I lied. Our teacher seemed to believe it,  and he didn't care.

Namjoon on the other hand was suspicious.

"Who's house is she staying at then?" He questioned.

"She didn't mention," I said trying to continue playing my innocence. "At least I don't remember.

"Well try," he pushed.

"Wasn't it Hope's?" Dusty chimed in.

"Oh yeah!" I faked. "That's what she said."

"Yeah I'm sure," he muttered.

"You guys are free to go," Mr. Myuk said.

"Well we have to scat, but have a good day!" I said in a cheerful voice to Namjoon. I hated every second of it.

He then grabbed me by my shirt and leaned close.

"If you did anything to hurt her," he stated," you're dead."

"Back off man!" Dusty shouted as he pushed Namjoon off. Then he looked at me. "Let's go."

Namjoon's POV-

Ok now... I don't believe Alice one bit.

She would have told me she had to leave early. At least I think she would.

I was walking home today, so I decided to check on (y/n) on the way.

As I reached her house, I headed up to the door and knocked. Nobody answered. Whatever she had to do with her brother could have been that quick. Right?

Then that must mean she's at Hope's house.

I guess I'll have to try.

I walked the few houses down until I reached my house.

"Hey Namjoon hyung," Jungkook greeted as I walked in the door.

"Hey," I said lifelessly as I threw my backpack down and walked past him.

I need to find J-Hope as soon as I can.

I entered the living room, but was met with only Jin hyung, Jimin, and Tae.

"Hi," they said. I left to early to respond.

"Where is he?!" I muttered to myself.

I ran up the stairs until I got to his room. I looked in, and saw him laying on his bed with his phone. He was talking and video chatting with someone. I recognized the voice almost immediately.

It was Hope.

And I knew the odds were in my favor.

"Hey Namjo-," J-Hope started but was cut off with me grabbing his phone from him. "Hey!"

"Hope," I scrambled for my breath. "Is (y/n) with you?!"

"Not right now," she replied confused.

"She's coming over later though right?" I asked worried.

"No," Hope replied. "Why?"

No no no....

I dropped to the floor, and his phone fell from my hands. I put my head in my hands and shook my head.

I knew something was up.

I knew Alice wasn't innocent.

I was an idiot.

I shouldn't have let them go!

"Namjoon what's wrong?" J-Hope asked suspiciously.

"I was stupid. So stupid," I muttered quietly to myself. He could still hear it though.

"You're not stupid," he reassured.

"Yes I am!" I yelled.

"No you're-," he started.

"What happened?" Suga asked from the doorway.

I took a deep breath so I'd be able to speak. "I think something happened to (y/n)."

Sorry, but I'll have to leave you guys on a cliffhanger for now. I hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading.

Have a great day!

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