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4th class, Science

After lunch was done, we all parted our separate ways. Emma, Ari, Jin, Suga, and I headed to science to do some more boring work. Woo hoo.

We all sat down at the table together, had some small chats, then started the class.

5th class, Social Studies

I got to the classroom and I saw Namjoon wasn't here yet. I know he's in the school though since I just saw him a little bit ago.

After a little bit, he walked in the door and sat down in front of me.

"So you guys really rap and make your own songs and such huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's what we do I guess," he said embarrassed. I laughed a little.

"You have to show me a song sometime!" I squealed just as the bell rung.

"We'll see," he said with a smirk.

"Ok class, time to start," our teacher began. Namjoon turned towards the board.

"Please," I whispered. He turned around.

"Maybe," he whispered back.

"Come on~," I whined.

"Pay attention," the teacher warned. Namjoon turned back to the board.

"You really want to hear don't you?" He said with a chuckle as he looked over his shoulder.

"Yes!" I laughed and said a little too loud.

"Namjoon! (Y/n)! Detention!" Said our teacher.


6th class, Gym

I didn't bring up having detention to any of my other friends. I mean it's not that big of a deal. Like seriously all we were doing was talking.

Anyways, we played basketball, and just had a great time as normal.


Homeroom was basically the same as normal. We just hung out and had fun. Nobody really tends to do their homework even though it's technically what we're supposed to be doing. That's high schoolers for you though.

After school, Namjoon and I each went to our own lockers, but he was done sooner than me, so he came to wait since we now had detention together. I mean I'm not completely complaining...

It means I get more time with him.

Because we're friends...

That's why.

Totally why.

I was getting stuff out of my locker when the Hopes came skipping down the hallway hand in hand. They were giggling, so I noticed them.

"Go home the Hopes! You're drunk!" I yelled. They laughed, but Hope tried to smack me.

"Yah!" I shouted as she did.

I had all of my stuff out of my locker, and now it was time to go to detention. So exciting.

Namjoon and I said bye to them, and started to head of to the Social Studies room, but we were stopped by the Hopes.

"Where are you two going?" They asked suspiciously.

"Uh...," we started. "Detention..."

"Gosh dang it (y/n) what did you break this time?!" She asked in disappointment.

"Oh my goodness! That's what I should be asking Namjoon!" He told her, then continued. "Does yours have a breaking problem too?!"

Oh no he got her going. "Does she have a breaking problem? Does (y/n) have a breaking problem?! You have no clue what I go through with this! She touches something and boom it's broke! So far this week it's already been some pencils, a shelf, and a tape dispenser! She is like the goddess of destruction!" Hope ranted on.

"Well we call Namjoon the god of destruction because he's the exact same way! He touches something and it's destroyed! This week has been the bag of groceries, a pair of sunglasses, and maybe like three other things!" J-Hope ranted on too.

We decided that now was our time to escape while they were talking. Once you get Hope ranting, you can't stop her.

We walked quickly down the hallway to leave them, but Hope noticed.


"Reasons," I stated across the hallway.

She sighed,"You have five seconds to live. One." She started counting.

"Should we run?" Namjoon asked.

"Two," Hope continued.

"I think we should," I replied.

"Three," J-Hope joined in.

"What if we hide?" Namjoon asked.

"Four," the Hopes said together.

"If we run fast enough there won't be a need for hiding," I pointed out.

"Want to do the honors?" Hope asked J-Hope.

"Most definitely," he smiled with an evil grin.

"RUN!" I yelled.

"Five!" J-Hope screamed.

Then we screamed out if terror and ran towards our social studies class.

Thanks for reading! I also dedicate part of this story to Dovewing70, so thanks for being a great friend and writing your stories!!

Wishful Thoughts || Kim Namjoon FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora