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I need to get out of here.

I can't stay here forever.

I tried to move and when I did, pain rushed over me like a river.

But wait a moment.

My wrists. I held them out and moved them. They aren't tied together anymore. Wait...

Neither are my ankles! They're free! The tape around my mouth is gone too!

Maybe the odds are in my favor for once.

It was still dark. I could barely see a thing. I stood up and I think a blanket fell off of me. Where did that come from? And am I on a couch? I remember being on a hard floor before.

I tried to get off this... uh... couch? My eyes adjusted to the darkness a little bit. Is that a body?!

It's laying on the floor!

There's another one!

There's a bunch!

Oh no this is some death house thing! I ain't having no part of this!

I put my foot between the bodies on the floor in attempt to somehow leave this place. I thought I was in a closet before. I'm so confused now.

Everytime I move, I'm in so much pain. I need to keep going though.

I put my other foot by the first one. Now I have to do that a few more times to get around these things.

I moved my right foot into another space forward and paused. Just as I was about to lift my left foot up, something grabbed it and hugged it tight. I screamed as loud as I could.

I tried to run, but since my foot was stuck I tripped onto another body. I shreaked even more.

I finally managed to get my foot unsuck as the "person" I landed on tried to grab me.


I moved out of their grasp and I heard lots of mumbling. I just kept going.

I managed to stand up, so that's when I took off.

"HELP!!" I yelled. I couldn't see much, so I wasn't really thinking as I tried to escape.

I should have been thinking more though.

Because I ran straight in to the wall with as much force as you could imagine.

Pain seared through my body as I fell to the ground with a thump.

I thought I was in pain before, but now I don't even know. It's like that doubled it!

Then I remembered the things a few feet away from me.

I used the wall to help me get up, but I was so dizzy, I fell back down.

I groaned in pain. Then it became bright. Am I dead?

"What happened? Where's (y/n)?" I heard faintly. I realized now it was just a lamp in the house. I wasn't leaving this world yet.

I was so out of it and dizzy that it felt like it though.

I heard multiple gasps. Then muffled voices.

"Are you ok?!"

"What happened?!"

No. They were coming to get me.

I got up and wobbled towards the door that I could now see. Reaching it, I just touched it and slid down. So much pain engulfed me.

"Please don't hurt me," I whispered. "Please."

"We're trying to help you," I heard from a voice. I didn't really understand it.

"Please," I repeated. "Don't hurt me." I fell completely to the floor. I wasn't unconscious, but I couldn't move. I couldn't really open my eyes either. I felt myself being picked up.

I was layed down on the familiar feeling of a couch. I peaked my eyes open and I could see a blur of people around me. They were calling my name. I couldn't understand what else they were saying though.

I could feel pain all over. I slowly moved my head to see them taking the wrap off of my arm. I winced as they cleaned it, but then they wrapped it back up once they were done.

My eyesight started to be less blurry and I could understand more.

"Go get her some water," someone said.

I could also feel what I think was a cold washcloth on my forehead.

As if all of me memory cane rushing in at once, I sat up with a jolt.

"Hey you need to rest," I heard a familiar voice say.

"Why don't you lay back down," said another. I was slowly being layed back down, but I sat up again. There was a rush to my head as I did.

I now realized what happened. That I was attacked by Alice.

The familiar setting of the room soaked in. I knew where I was now.

I was at Namjoon's house. But why am I here?

It's way better than being tied up in that closet.

Despite the pain, I felt as though I needed to stay awake. I looked up and now I realized those people... they were my friends.

I saw Jungkook, Tae, Jimin, J-Hope, and Suga. Some of them were knelt down by me. I saw Jin coming into the living room with a glass of water.

Finally, I locked eyes with Namjoon.

I could now see all the worry that filled his.

Sure, I could see it in the eyes if everyone else, but this was different. I could tell.

Nobody said a word. Everyone just stared at me, and I stared back at Namjoon.

Then, after a moment, my eyes teared up. I started to sob.

Namjoon pulled me into a tight hug as I cried as hard as I can. He whispered to me that it was all ok now. Tears kept falling as I sobbed.

Crying for the pain.

Crying for all the trama that's been happening.

And crying because I'm with my friends again

Hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading!

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