The Plan

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Hope's POV
(Don't play song yet 🙃)

I woke up, feeling a lot better now.

Why did Alice, out of all people, have to show up?! Ugh! I can't even think about it!

And Dusty... I trusted him! Why did he have to act like he cared, then turn his back the opposite way!

Then again, if he didn't do that, I wouldn't have fell for J-Hope.




And I wish we were together, but I feel like that would be too soon. I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

Ugh, I should probably get ready for school now.

I got out of bed and walked to my closet. I decided to wear a t-shirt with a wolf on it. I also had on some jeans and my tennis shoes to match. After I got ready, I put my hair in a ponytail like always.

~time skip brought to you by our mochi~

After eating breakfast and doing everything else, I went to school.

I got dropped off as normal since my house isn't in walking distance.

When I got to school, I looked for my friends. I didn't see any of them, so I decided to go to my locker. Maybe they were there. If not, I'll look for them afterwards.

I opened one of the big school doors and walked inside.

I finally reached the hallway which my locker was in. The hallways in our school are very big, which is nice because it helps with the crowdedness. Except for now, which in this case, they're empty.

I mean they usually are pretty quiet at this time. I like to arrive at school early.

I approached it as normal, did the code, and opened the locker.

A rolled up note fell out.

'Huh?' I thought. I picked it up and unrolled it.

It read:

Go to the music room.

What does that supposed to mean?

I mean, duh! It means go to the music room!

But why? I decided to do what the note said.

I walked across the hall and entered it.

When I did, I was in shock, and confusion, and just full of emotions.

There was red and pink rose petals on the ground. J-Hope was standing in the midst of them with a cute smile on his face. Then, out of nowhere, Jin started playing guitar. Suga started playing piano. It sounded beautiful.

Did J-Hope do all of this?

I was in awe, looking around at the flowers, and listening to the music, that I didn't realize at first that Jungkook, Tae, and Jimin walked out too.

Those three started to sing.

(Play song)

They were really good! It sounded like professional voices. Like they did this for a living! Weird...

The song was really good too, and I was getting embarrassed because I just knew they were singing it to me.

Then J-Hope came in the song and started to rap and even sing a bit too.

That's what got me. It literally killed my heart. I didn't know what to do.

I stood there awkwardly as they performed the whole song.

Thankfully nobody is in the school yet, otherwise it would have been even more embarrassing.

The song finally came to an end. I was a little glad since I was probably so red during it, but it was also very sad.

So again, I just stood there awkwardly. Not knowing what I should do or say.

Then, J-Hope walked up to me, the rose petals shuffling underneath his feet. He grabbed my hands.

I felt as if I was shaking and my stomach was filled with butterflies.

"Hope," he started with his calm voice. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Too shocked to do anything else, I replied with one word.


J-Hope hugged me, and I hugged him back happily.

I can't believe this happened!

Everybody cheered as all the boys entered the room. Including Namjoon and (y/n).

She had a cheeky look on her face.

"Did you help plan this?" I asked her. She smirked and nodded.

Then I looked back to J-Hope and hugged him. "Well I'm glad," I said.

He hugged me back and said," Everybody helped."

I turned to them and thanked them.

Because I never thought a wish like this could happen.

Yes... I know... It's been a while 😂
I finally got this section in lol, but I hope you guys know I'm not 100% sure what to write next 😂.

Anyways, I hope you guys liked this section! Thanks for reading it.

I hope you guys have a good rest of your summer!

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