Small Chats

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School was done for the day once gym was over. My friends and I walked to our lockers to grab anything we needed else we needed. Emma and Ari left in one direction while Hope came with me another.

We reached my locker first and I was done in less than a minute. Next we headed to Hope's locker.

"So..., that J-Hope guy is pretty cute huh?" I asked with smirk. She immediately slapped the back of my head.

"Yah! You didn't have to hit me," I said while rubbing my head. Then I got an idea as if she smacked it out of me. "Oh! What were you going to tell me earlier?"

She closed her locker since she was done and looked at me. Then she looked down and stuttered," Oh, um, well..." Again with the hiding something.

"Spit it out!" I said.

"I have a boyfriend," she stated as serious and simple as she could. 

Okay, well. I didn't think it was going to be that easy. 

I didn't know what to say. I stared at her dumbfounded.

"You... wait. Excuse me?" I asked with my eyes wide open.

"You asked how my summer was earlier. Well... I got a boyfriend," she explained. I grabbed her hands and started shaking her aggressively.

"Holy crap! Who is it?!" I asked loudly, filled with curiosity.

She started to explain all the details. "His name is Dusty. I met him at this plane convention I went to with my dad this summer. He really likes planes, just like me. We started hanging out after that and now we're together." She smiled and I grinned.

"Is he cute?" I smirked. 

"Aish!" She pretended to hit me again. I just laughed at her.

"I'm so happy for you!" I yelled as Jillian walked by.

"Why are we happy?" She asked confused.

"Hope's got a boyfriend!" I yelled at her excitedly, still bouncing up and down.

"What?!" She yelled at Hope. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"You had to get her going too?" Hope asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Your welcome!" I said with a smirk as I said goodbye and headed home.

"You better explain!" I heard Jillian yell in the background as I walked down the hallway.

I was going to meet up with Emma and Ari so we could all walk home together again, but they already had plans of their own. A little me time I guess.

Before starting my route, I put my bag on the ground and pulled out my headphones. I put them in my ears. The cold air hit my face so I put my hat on before closing my bag. It was colder now than it was this morning. I should have brought my coat. 'Stupid (y/n),' I thought.

Once I put my backpack back on, I started my music and started to walk.

I put my hands in the pocket of my sweatshirt as I shivered along the way home. It wasn't that cold since it was fall, but there was a breeze which you have to keep in mind made it worse.

Cold or not, it was still beautiful outside. 

I looked around at the scenery before closing my eyes for a little while.

I let the music take me away.

Soon enough after a minute or so, I heard a faint muffled noise. I looked to my right and just saw the road with few cars passing by. Maybe that's what I heard. Then, I turned my head to the left and saw a tall guy. It startled me as always and made me jump.

"Sorry, did you say something?" I asked while taking my headphones out of my ears. It was Namjoon.

He had on a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt like me. He was also wearing leather jacket, but it wasn't zipped up.

"Oh my god I did it again! I'm so sorry!" He laughed embarrassingly. "I was just trying to say hi."

I laughed too and shrugged. "I'm used to it by now. By the way, why are you walking this way?" I asked him. "Not that you can't, but I was just wondering." I quickly added. 

"No, I get it," he laughed. "My house is up there," he said to me as he pointed down the street. "Plus, I like admiring nature. It's something most people take for granted."

"My house is down there too. And yeah, I agree. I love admiring nature too. It's so beautiful out," I said a little shy and nervous.

He must have noticed me still shivering because he took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders. I smiled at him, showing my dimples, and he did the same.

My outside was smiling and now warm, also acting cool. Ok probably not acting cool, but still.

My inside was screaming at the fact he gave me his jacket.

We walked on the same route together and talked for a while. I had learned that he lives with his cousins, who were the other six new boys. Not friends, not brothers, cousins. Glad we got that sorted out. They all lived with their uncle who, as well as our uncle isn't around a lot. At least their uncle is around sometimes. 

It's not that their uncle doesn't like kids. He has a lot of work on his hands being the reason why they moved here. It was because of their uncle's job.

We had simple conversations as we walked home. We were on the path of becoming friends and starting to joke around, but we were still kind of shy around each other.

I saw my house in view, so I pointed and told him. Then he pointed about five houses away and informed me that it was where him and the boys lived. I didn't say it, but I was glad we lived close.

And don't worry, I'm not a stalker... most of the time. 

Okay, but that one time doesn't count. 


He walked with me up to my doorstep and I opened the door. Then, I turned around towards him, blushed, then finally smiled. "I had fun walking back with you," I stated with courage I worked up.

He smiled and said,"Me too."

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow I guess?" I asked.

"Yeah, um, tomorrow. That's right," he said while scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Well, thank you and um yeah," I said probably blushing like crazy. I swear, I'm such an idiot.

"Yeah. Of course," he said as he walked down the path. I turned to walk inside and avoid my awkwardness, but suddenly remembered something.

"Wait! Floof-, I mean, Namjoon! Your jacket!" I said hoping he didn't hear the floof part.

"Oh, um..., you can give it to me tomorrow if you'd like!" He replied back, already at the end of the driveway.

"Oh, um... alright," I said shyly as I walked back inside.

When I did, I came face to face with my brother.

"Who in the world was that?" He asked me with a straight face and a very, very stern voice. He fixed his collar and gave me a glare.

 He fixed his collar and gave me a glare

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I hope you guys like this story so far. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

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