I Hate Snakeu

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"What if I do?" He said defensively.

Dusty looked at him in disgust. "Oh please. Nobody would ever love this weak, worthless thing," he said as he motioned towards Hope who was still in terror on the floor.

"Well I do," J-Hope said as he looked Dusty in the eye. "So I suggest you get yourself out of here before you do something you'll regret."

J-Hope loosened his grip on Dusty, who immediately pulled his hand back. He looked very disgusted and plain annoyed.

He turned around, ready to leave, before spinning back around and punching J-Hope in the mouth. J-Hope took a moment to realize what happened.

He reached his hand up to his lip; touching it with one of his fingers. He looked at it and saw that it was bleeding.

He gave a short chuckle while looking down at his finger, now red and coated with blood, then swung at Dusty; hitting him square in the jaw.

Dusty looked surprised as ever, but went for another punch. As he did though, J-Hope quickly moved out of the way, so Dusty ended up hitting his fist against the lockers.

J-Hope helped move Hope towards us when he had that chance. We sat by her and all watched, not knowing what else to do.

Dusty turned around, clearly wanting to beat J-Hope to a pulp at the moment. He lunged at him, but missed. Again.

J-Hope kicked him in the gut. Not too hard, but with enough force to knock the wind out of him. He was bend over, trying to catch his breath.

"Stay away from her or else," J-Hope said very, very sternly. He turned around and went to help Hope.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She slightly nodded, but was still in pain. "Alright. Let's get you to the nurse."

"You're coming too because he busted your lip open," Hope said weakly. He smiled and agreed.

All four of us were walking to the nurse; leaving Dusty behind.

We were all helping Hope walk. One of her arms was on J-Hope's shoulder and the other on Jungkook's. They were stronger than me and we needed to get her there faster.

Yes, I admit I'm weak.

Just then, someone harshly knocked against my shoulder.

"Hey! Watch where you're going," I said while turning around.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," she said in a sarcastic, sassy tone. Then she spun around.

I never thought I'd see her again.

I thought she was gone from my life.

From my friend's lives.


This can't be.

"Alice?!" I spoke with a voice which showed how dead inside I was.

Hope immediately turned around.

"No," she said. "No. Not her. Oh gosh no."

"I thought you went to prison!" I yelled.

Alice was this really annoying bully to my friends and I. She made her friends beat us up multiple times. Most of her anger was towards Hope, but she still held some towards us too.

Then, something happened where she was caught speeding, or she was drunk... I don't really remember too well, but she went to jail. In conclusion, she's a jerk.

She smirked. "Well, you know me and how my family's rich, so my dad talked with the cops, and they let me out."

My mouth gaped open. "They can't just do that!" Then I turned back to Hope, Jungkook, and J-Hope. "Can they?" They shrugged.

"He threatened their jobs," she explained.

Hope glared at her. "You snake."

"I hate snakeu," J-Hope said worried.

"Good, cause then you'll grow to hate her!" I said.

"What's wrong with you anyway?" Alice asked Hope. Hope didn't answer.

Then, Dusty walked up behind Alice; coming in our direction. I could see Hope shrink back a little.

"What are you doing here?" J-Hope warned.

"Oh, I see you've met my boyfriend," Alice said with a smirk. "Dusty."

I hope you guys liked this section! Thanks for reading. Please don't kill me 😂.

Have a nice day and a nice summer!

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