Detention Pt.1

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We finally outran the Hopes; thank goodness too because when Hope gets mad... she gets real fiesty.

Anyways... we finally arrived at our social studies class. By the way, our teachers name was Mr. Myuk. He was actually a pretty nice and fun teacher, but he can be pretty strict at times.

We chose our same seats from class. It looked like it was only us for today. Then again it was the first week or so of school, so not many people would be in trouble.

Just us.

Even though we didn't technically do much wrong. Who cares though.

At least it's Friday, so we don't have to worry about homework right away after this.

Mr. Myuk came into the room and sat down in his desk. "Is it just us today?" I asked him.

"No, there's actually two more people," he said. "I'm not exactly sure what they did though."

Interesting. Well hopefully they didn't do anything too bad.

"Hmm, they're late," he muttered to himself in an annoying manner.

A few minutes passed of us waiting until somebody... the people we were supposedly waiting for... arrived.

I heard the annoying click of her heals echoed off the classroom walls. Her dress way to short; not that I actually care. The classic "popular" school girl. Or so she thinks she is.

And then I saw his stupid orange jacket. I hated him with my guts.

"Why were you late?" Mr. Myuk questioned.

"It's not my fault. We had to deal with some stuff with other teachers," Alice replied in a snotty mood.

"Well hurry up and go sit down," our teacher ordered.


Not her...

Not them...

Anything but then...

Alice and Dusty came and sat in the desks next to me. The desks are spread out so there's some space between us, but still. I don't even want to be in the same country as these people.

Namjoon looked back and saw my angered look. "Alice and Dusty," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. I could see the annoyance in his face too.

For the fourty minutes of class that had gone by, it honestly wasn't that bad. We just chilled on our phones and stuff. There was lots of tension in the air, but they didn't try anything.

This detention only lasts an hour, but still. All of a sudden, Mr. Myuk spoke up.

"I need somebody to help me move some stuff into one of the new storage rooms. Who wants to come?" He asked.

We were all silent. Nobody wants to move storage stuff.

"Namjoon. Why don't you come help," he stated. Namjoon sighed.

"I'd rather not," he replied.

"It wasn't a request," Mr. Myuk snapped.

Namjoon got up and looked me in the eyes with worry. I could tell he didn't want to leave, but it seemed like he had no choice.

"Let's go!" The teacher snapped again meaning business. Namjoon hurried along as they both left.

Oh no.

I felt my heart and basically everything else in my body drop when I realized I was stuck with my enemies.

Alice and Dusty.

They haven't done anything for the whole class period though, so hopefully I might just be lucky.

I was playing a game on my phone when I heard a voice speak up.

"So how's Hope?" Alice asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know!" I snapped back.

"Actually I would," she said. She can't really care. There's no way she's gone good. Like honestly. Dusty seemed interested in the conversation now too.

"She's good," I muttered, a little glad she actually cared for once in her life.

"Oh that's too bad," she replied while faking being sad. "I was hoping to show her more pain like I had in prison."

I knew she was still a jerk! When it comes to Alice, you can't fix that in a day.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

"No," she in voice which made it seem like she was thinking about it. "I think I'd rather shut you up."

Before I knew it, they were both coming at me. Dusty stuffed a cloth in my mouth and stuck his hand over it so I couldn't make any noises. Alice and him continued to beat me up a bit before Dusty picked me up.

Alice ran over to the closet door and opened it. They both walked inside as Alice pulled out some duct tape.

I tried squirming, but after immediately getting a punch to the face and gut, I decided to calm it down.

Alice put the tape over my mouth, which still had the cloth. Then, Dusty held my hands behind back as Alice tightly duct taped them together.

I tried to get out of their grasp again and I even managed to kick Dusty in the leg. He got mad and punched me in the head again. This time I started to feel really dizzy, so I stopped. Next they wrapped up my legs in a way that matched my wrists.

I didn't want to die here. I wanted to leave this school alive. So I decided to move again.

Then, immediately regretting my decision as Alice took out a knife and slashed my arm. And let me just say it was deep. Of course you couldn't hear me scream.

It was all in my head by now.

When is our teacher and Namjoon going to get back?! What if I die here?!

They must have decided I was restrained enough because they shoved me under the few coats and jackets in there. They also threw my backpack in with me, but still out of my reach.

I saw Alice leave to the classroom as Dusty stayed and watched me.

After a moment, she came back and threw my phone in the closet causing it to break. I tried to get up as one last resort to save myself, but of course, I was met with a boot to my stomach. I guess I finally gave up as I just sat there. I was going to be covered in bruises, and who knows what other marks.

Then I thought no. I can't give up. I was about to try again, but Alice pushed a cloth against my nose.


I've seen this in shows and movies.

It's chloroform and it causes you to fall asleep.

I'm tried not to breathe it in as she held it there. Eventually I couldn't hold my breath anymore as I felt it's toxins fill my lungs.

Stay awake.

It's what I kept telling myself right after I heard the door close and the distinct click of a lock.

It was pitch black in this room.

And quiet in both rooms.

Until I heard the familiar voice of my teacher return.

Which meant Namjoon was back.

I tried to scream out.

Let them know of some sign that I was here.

Let him know.

But I couldn't fight.

I tried to...

But I couldn't.

Hey... uh, how was it? 😂 Sorry for the heart attacks, but ya know. Gotta keep it interesting.

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

Have a nice day!

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