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Back to (y/n)'s POV

I couldn't stop wondering who was at the door. It's none of my business though.

I spend some time in my room trying to get all homework done. I had so much of it. Plus, I didn't feel like going out and talking to my brother yet.

After a little bit though, I went downstairs. There was no sign of my brother.

The door swung open though and there he was.

What is it with him and bursting through the door?!

He looked me straight in the eye, and ran forward.


What I didn't expect though, is that he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry (y/n). I didn't know and-," he said quickly.

"Where were you?" I cut him off.

"I was at Namjoon's house," he stated.

He what?

"YOU WERE WHERE?!" I shouted.

"Relax I didn't do anything," he said. "We simply talked."

"That doesn't sound believable," I replied while crossing my arms.

"I'm not joking!" He told me as he put his hands up in defense. "Ask him yourself!"

"Fine," I replied. "I believe you."

"Anyways... I'm sorry about everything. I haven't been the best brother lately and I've just been really protective and I haven't tried to listen to you and-," Suho ranted.

"It's ok," I cut him off for the second time.

"A- are you sure?" He asked skeptically.

"Yeah," I smiled.

It was quiet for a bit before he spoke.

"Let's go watch a movie," he suggested as he returned my smile.

"Ok," I laughed.

~time skip brought to you by three dollar chain~

Suho's POV-

I'm glad I finally sorted that stuff out. I felt really bad that I was part of the cause of (y/n)'s pain. Emotionally I mean.

We were both on the couch curled up in blankets.

I looked over at her and noticed she was sleeping. I chuckled to myself. She always falls asleep during movies. It's just something she's always done since she was little.

I untangled myself from the blanket then stood up. Then, I walked over to (y/n) and picked her up. I made my way up the stairs.

Once I got in her room, I put her in her bed under all the covers. I put on a few more blankets because I know she likes it that way.

Wishful Thoughts || Kim Namjoon FanFicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ