"I'm not taking care of a rabbit!" Rose warmed.

"We could take care of it together," Scorpius said through a giant mischievous smirk. "It would prepare us for the kids." Rose's eyes went wide and she froze to her seat. Kids? KIDS!? 

Scorpius leaned into her ear. "Kidding." Rose instantly let out a breath of relief and tried to cover it up by laughing nervously.

"Of course you were." She laughed some more. Scorpius turned back to the bunny and Rose tried to forget what just happen but she couldn't get it out of her mind. Was he really kidding?

"What are you going to call her?" Aurora's unusually loud voice interrupted Rose's thoughts.

"I don't know." Scorpius scratched the back of his neck. "She's a girl. What's a good name for girl rabbits?"

"You should call her Bailey, it's cute," Lily suggested.

"I quite like that." Scorpius pondered. "Bailey it is."

Soon enough, it was time for first period so the group got up from their spot and made their way to their first lesson. Scorpius went with Aurora to leave Bailey in his dormitory before going to D.A. and when they got there Rose was doing her course.

Scorpius made his way to the front road to get a better view of the screen. Rose was now in the dark forest, or what looked like a dark forest, she was completely alone and vulnerable. She took out her wand, "Lumos." She said. Light flashed out of the end of her wand and she examined her surroundings. Her eyes went wide and her face twisted with fear and she pointed up at the air. She took a step back but she tripped over a stick and fell on her back, her wand fell out of her hand and the light faded. Rose tried to look for her wand but she suddenly froze and her body went numb, lifeless. Scorpius stood up at once.

"They need to stop this right now." He said.

"What's going on," Albus asked worriedly.

"Turn It off!" Scorpius called out. Suddenly, the screen went black. Scorpius ran into the training room to find Rose on the laying on the floor in fetal position. Lupin was already there kneeling beside her trying to shake her awake, but she was unconscious.

"It was a dementor, wasn't it?" Scorpius asked Lupin as he gently put his hand underneath Rose's shoulders and knees.

"Yes," Lupin answered. "I tried to close the system down as soon as I realized, but it takes time." Scorpius held Rose in his arms. "You take her to your dormitory-"

"She's freezing," Scorpius said numbly.

"-Yes I know. Keep her warm and give her chocolate. I'll be there as soon as I can." Scorpius nodded before making his way out of the room. It wasn't long until they reached the common room. Scorpius quickly laid Rose on the couch and covered her up and tucked her in with a blanket. He lighted the fire with his wand and finally settled down next to her.

"Rose wake up." He grabbed her shoulder and shook her. "Please, wake up." He tried again, but it was no use, she wasn't going to wake any time soon. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Scorpius opened it to find Lupin, Albus and Aurora.

"Is she awake?" Lupin asked as Scorpius let them in.

"Not yet," Scorpius answered.

"She'll probably be out of a couple hours." Lupin scratched his forehead.

"What exactly happened?" Albus asked.

"She was being surrounded by a dozen dementors." Lupin explained. "She didn't even have time to even try to cast a patronus."

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