"What do we have first period?" Albus asked.

"D.A." Scorpius answered.

"Ugh." Rose groaned. "I don't want to go. Can someone skip it with me?" Everyone turned to Rose and stared at her with a terrified expression on their face.

"Who are you and what have you done with Rose Weasley?" Scorpius asked wide-eyed.

"I hate that stupid course." She crossed her arms. "It's pointless and it leaves me exhausted for the rest of the day."

"That's because your's is one of the hardest," Margo said. "It's not our fault your subconscious is dark as fuck."

"Oh snap," Toby mumbled.

"I'm not dark!" Rose protested.

"You kinda are," Albus said. "Scorpius here is having a bad influence on you."

Scorpius chocked in his cereal. "What? I'm not dark!" The group of friends burst out laughing.

"Your course manages to be worst than hers." Marlene laughed.

"Yeah, you have some twisted shit in it," Toby said. "There is always someone that almost dies, you have to fight a dozen people, there are burning fires, you have to jump off buildings, you get put in a shrinking box, bridges fall underneath your feet and you see your family die in front of you... The worst thing I had was a box with bees."

"We look at you and you seem like a happy boy but inside you are rotten and cold," Lily said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm not rotten and cold!" Scorpius protested.

"Are you sure about that?" Zabini, who had just gave his first signs of life, asked in an ironic tone.

"Shut up." Scorpius elbowed him in the ribs. "Alright, I admit. I might be a little dark and twisty-"

"And rotten," Roxanne added.

"-shut up..." Scorpius continued. "You are all just jealous that I'm still every teacher's favorite student and you're not." He gave the group a sassy wink and before anyone could argue the mail arrived.

Owls filled the great hall and boxes and letters dropped from the ceiling into the laps of students all over, but there was something unusual midst all the chaos that caught the group's attention. Four owls held a large box and clumsily lead it towards the group of friends.

"Holy shit," Albus stared up at the box. "What is that thing?"

"It's coming this way," Aurora said as the box came closer and closer. "Watch out!" The group duck underneath the table as the four owls let the box fall in front of Scorpius. As they emerged from the floor, they all stared at each other for a while before tearing the box open to reveal...

"A bunny?" They chorused confused.

"Oh my god!" Aurora shrieked. "It's a bunny!"  Aurora opened the small blue cage and grabbed the white bunny with vibrant blue eyes. "It's so cute!"

"Who would give you this?" Rose asked quietly while everyone admired the bunny who was struggling to get off Aurora's grip.

"I don't know." Scorpius searched through the cage and the box for a note, he found one midst the wrapping. Rose got closer to him and examined the note. It read: A late birthday present from your favorite cousin. -Mathew. Scorpius burst out laughing, "I'm going to kill that tosser. Now I'm going to have to take care of it."

"You better because I'm not having a smelly rabbit in my dormitory." Rose scoffed.

"I think the smell of rabbit is very pleasant," Scorpius smirked.

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