Love on the rocks

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'Oh... I see.' Pamela sounded a bit disconnected and also pissed. I couldn't feel more uncomfortable right now. It's like if strange mixture of feelings were fighting right in my stomach as I was holding my phone next to my ear in the middle of the beach. You know. I liked her a lot lately and she was really generous when inviting me to spend a few days here with them. But after the party the night before, I was disconcerted. I needed time to be apart and think if I was doing everything I had done for myself or just to please my new friends.

'Yeah. I'm not coming back today. Maybe staying a day or two with Robert here at Deer Creek Canyon.' I announced softly while walking next to the shore. The wind was blowing fiercely that same morning and no one was nowhere to be seen nearby. Just me wearing a pretty loose Snoopy sweater Harold had borrowed me moments ago.

'Okay. It's cool. Talk to you tomorrow.' She replied and hung afterwards. Pamela had every right to be mad at the situation but I can't even handle the fact that she pushed me to make out -or even to have sex- with this dude when I was totally wasted. She knew that my first time was a big deal for me and instead she gave a fuck. Yeah. I needed this time away from her and I couldn't go back home right now. So I started my way up to the cottage. The cliff was pretty steep but -to my luck- there was a ladder made completely of rocks that helped me with that matter.

<<What if I had sex without even noticing?>> I thought during my trip but I shook my head in refuse. If I had done anything, I should had known by then. Even though I remembered flashes about what happened with Gary, not many memories stuck on my mind. Just a bittersweet feeling wandering across my body. An incomplete sensation.

Once I made it all the way up, I could saw Sabrina's beach house across the coastal main road. It's a small but cozy wooden cottage that matched perfectly with the natural background. She was really nice of letting us stay with them until her parents came to join her. There's not much room for all of us inside but Sabrina said she had some extra mattresses, cushions and blankets. 

Oh. And by all of us I mean Helen, Harold and Mark also. Yeah, Mark.

He drove us all the way to Deer Creek Canyon after Helen contacted Robert and asked him if we could crush at Sabrina's house. That was when they both agreed immediately that we should all stay a day or two. I didn't know why Mark had showed up so abruptly at the party and insisted on joining us. But I'm clearly trying to avoid any contact with him if possible. He made me hope that we were meant to be a thing before and I wasn't ready for more bullshit at that moment.

When I finally reached to the front yard, the sun started to shine a bit brighter even though the salty wind continued blowing tempestuously. Helen was outside - with a jacket over her shoulders- sitting in a wicker armchair next to the main door. She was holding a big mug with both of her hands looking serenely at the ocean.

'Morning Li.' She greeted as soon as she noticed me coming.

'Hey Hel.' I responded taciturnly while taking seat in the folding chair next to her.

'How are you feeling? Want to have breakfast? Some cocoa?' My friend offered me her cup of hot chocolate with a pitiful look on her face.

'Nope. Thanks. I think I cannot drink nor eat anything or else I would throw up.' I replied with half smile on my face. I didn't know how much I had drank the night before but my stomach was twirling and the last thing I wanted was to feel even worse than I felt at that same moment.

'Still thinking about what happened last night?' Helen wondered taking a sip from her mug. The jumper she was wearing was also huge for her size and its sleeves completely covered her hands, but in a cute way.

'Yeah. My head is still spinning, trying to put all the pieces back together.' My answer was filled with concern and my friend noticed instantly 'Why did I even do what I've done?'

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