Fly away with me

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When I was fourteen, I went to Disney World with Mom, Dad and my annoying little cousin, Paul (who was six then). The trip was one of the funniest that I'd ever had so I wouldn't change a thing from it except from the bittersweet memory I have already treasured on my mind.

When we were about to take the plane back home, there had been some issues with the spot assignment. The check-in lady told my parents that one of us had to seat apart from the rest of the group due to ticket overselling. I volunteered instantly. It was those times in which every little chance of independence was definitely priceless. Besides, I wanted to be far from my cousin's howls, which made reading almost imposible.

Once at the plane, I was nearby the rear part of the aircraft, which consisted in two rows of three seats each, being my sit right next to the window on the left. As soon as I arrived, there was a fat middle-aged woman reading a gossip magazine who complaint silently, making any kind of odd gestures, as she had to move to let me pass through. Although the plane was almost full, no one took sit in the middle of us two, which made me happy because of the extra space I had to put my stuff on. But when I was distracted looking for my earphones in my bag, a hand suddenly tapped on my right shoulder. When I looked up I could see the annoyed thick woman standing in the aisle, and a light blue eyed boy staring at me. I don't know if it was puberty of what, but I had and instant crush on him. I didn't even know if it was the blond fringe, his "bad ass boy with a heart of gold" fashion or the way he was looking at me, but he captivated me in a way nobody had done before. Even I think that was the same moment in which I realized about my homosexuality.

'Sorry but... Would you mind...?' he said pointing his seat. He must had no more than sixteen due to his overall appearance and the tone of his voice.

'Su-sure.' I said in a awkward way as I took my things and let him take a sit.

We both remained in complete silence almost the entire flight. I didn't even know what he was thinking, but I was paying attention to every single move of his, looking for an excuse to make first contact. Neither the cold breeze coming from the air conditioner, the bad taste of the spaghetti the air hostess gave us for dinner nor even the loud snoring of the fat lady, were excuse enough to start talking. Maybe it was just me being shy as usual.

When we were about to reach our destination, the captain announced through the speakers that we were going to have a complicated landing due to weather conditions. Everyone on the plane were whispering in concern as the blond boy started to sweat. He was clearly afraid, so I tried to take that chance and start a conversation. But when I was about to open my mouth, a strong turbulence started to shake the plane. We were trembling so tempestuously, I closed my eyes instinctively. That was when I felt that someone had held my right hand, which made me open my eyes again. It was him, so afraid to even talk normally, staring at me with a frightened expression.

'Let's hold hands... To-to feel safe with e-each other's strength.'

'Right' I agreed almost in shock.

So there we were, a few minutes together against all odds, shuddering with every single sudden movement until we had reached the floor. We remained that way for a few moments, even after the landing. I could feel how he was caressing tenderly my hand with his thumb when the plane was parking, giving me a complicity look.

'I'm Liam' I said smiling at him.

'Dean.' he smiled me back.

Neither of us had anything else to say. We both felt the undeniable connection. We remained that way until the gate was open and we were all free to leave. Then we released from each other and started to pick up all our stuff, at the time I saw Mom waving his hand from her seat several rows apart. I knew that I had to overcome my shyness and take the chance.

'Hey Dean... Would you mind giving me your number... or even an email address...? You know... to keep in touch.'

'I think we have to keep things this way.' he said shortly and I didn't know it was either out of fear or prejudice, but he left the aircraft instantly, leaving me and my rejection feeling behind...

A sudden cold breeze brought me back to reality. I was getting uncomfortable sitting on the rough log so I stood up instantly. The morning sun was threatening to rise and I couldn't hear the music anymore. Maybe the party was about to end. So I passed through the bushes and started to head back to the house. Once outside the secret den, I found a small familiar jock and an unknown skinny ginger girl, both holding hands, walking through the vast garden looking everywhere.

'Bro!' Robert released the gal's hand as soon as he saw me and started to walk towards me. 'Where have you been? I thought you were on some kind of trouble or something'.

'I was over there...' I was about to tell my friend what had happened and then suddenly remembered the promise I made to my former bully. I felt sad again.

'Among those plants?' Robert almost started laughing.

'Yeah...' I reminded of Mark's breath too close to mine's. 'I was flying high and then I landed abruptly'.

'Dude!' He couldn't contain his laughter. 'Are you stoned?'.

'Hey! No!' I smiled a bit not to worry Robert. 'I'm fine. Pay no mind to what I've said'.

'You're nuts!' He said as he hugged me friendly with his left arm, leading me to the ginger girl who was waiting for us a few feet apart. 'Come! I've someone to introduce you!'

And I followed my friend, with my body in the garden and my mind somewhere else, closing my right hand tightly as I recalled every single second during the turbulence Mark and I had pass through together, hiding in the bushes.

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