Bone to pick

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'Best Friend? We've just met again after... five years?' I said to Pam as I was staring stunned at the door through which Mark has left several minutes ago. It was really confusing to understand what was going on in her head when she said those words. Part of me was happy that no one looked at me with contempt or even with a glimpse of prejudice. Maybe it was okay with them of me being gay. Perhaps, they didn't even care.

'I think so, or maybe six.' Pam answered vaguely, paying more attention to where I was watching than what I was saying.

'Well... I guess we can hang.' I said, trying to assimilate the situation.

'I guess? Ha ha ha. You're so cute sometimes.' She let out a short laugh and gave me a roguish look 'Even when you stared at Mark so lustfully like while ago...'.

Pam caught me watching one of her pimpy friends and I suddenly felt terrible. Shame seized all my body immediately as I lowered my head like a grounded child.

'Wh-hat? No... I was just loo...' my voice was trembling.

'Don't be so silly! No need to be ashamed. He's hot, a hard-to-ignore eyecandy.'

It was noticeable that Pam found the situation really amusing and I couldn't detect any trace of malice. That's why I calmed down a bit, trying not to take what had happened so seriously.

'Have you date him? Mark... I mean'

'Yeah. You may say so. But it hasn't quite worked out.' She wasn't moved or anything. Dates seemed so commonplace to The Queen that I suddenly felt like a total rookie. Which, by the way, I was.

'But you are so pretty and funny...' I tried to feed her ego so as to get a bit of information.

'You are so cute I could eat you up!' Pam gave me a playful pat on the shoulder and then get back to her queenish pose, lifting her chain 'Maybe I'm too much to handle.'

<<Much to handle...>> That instantly reminded me of Helen. She was somewhere in this humongous house along with Harold... and I was here playing friends with a cattish diva. So I checked out my phone to realize I have no messages, which concerned me more, and then texted"Where r u? I'm still with her."

'Hey Pam. Listen. I've to go and find Helen. I don't know why she hasn't came back.'

'Oh Liam... Girls like her never come back when leaving the room with some dick.' She rolled her eyes. 'Sorry 'bout that.'

'Still... I should check out if she's okay.' I paid no mind to her words. If not, I would have to send her to hell and back. Helen is one of my best friends after all.

'Okay. Then go.' It sounded like it was some kind of order.

'Do you know where is it? I mean, the place where the alcohol is hidden you mentioned before...'

'Sure, but it will be our lil' secret, 'kay?' She lowered her voice and murmured 'It's that dank and dreadful little storage next to the pool. You know, those where people keep they gardening tools and stuff.'

'Thanks Pam. Then... see you later?' When I was trying to get off, I slipped from the counter so awkwardly I almost fell to the floor. Alcohol was apparently boosting my clumsiness.

'Don't think so. I'm leaving in a while.' The Queen gave me a brief peck in both cheeks. 'I'll friend you on Facebook to keep in touch. T.T.Y.L..'

'Great! Bye then.' I said, waving my hand a bit, and started to walk towards the kitchen's exit.

As I entered the living room again, I realized that the party was clearly in its prime. Everybody was dancing so lively I couldn't stop watching all the different situations as I passed by. Even Unlucky Janet was there, twerking fiercely with hands on a chair's back and some guys around her clapping in response to her dance.

<< The night transforms some people. >> I thought while I was containing the laughter.

When I reached the backdoor, I get access to the wide backyard. It was so captivating seeing it full of flowers in bloom and contemplating all that fireflies flying over the grass. There were almost nobody, as the music was quieter and the temperature wasn't as hot to take a dip. Then a peculiar scene caught my attention: Harold was sitting next to the pool, with his bare feet on the water, hugging a disconsolate girl who evidently couldn't stop crying. It was Helen.

'What in the heck had happened here?' I almost shouted as I came next to them.

'Calm down, pal. Don't you see the girl is crying?' The Pug growled softly.

'Liam. It was... terrible.' Helen said turning her wet eyes to me.

'Who has done THAT?' I couldn't dissimulate the horror in my face when I saw a big bruise all over her cheek. Helen released The Pug and held her arms up in order to hug me, which I did instantly.

'Some jerk had some bone to pick with her.' Harold was really pissed, as he punched the floor vividly.

'Easy, Lizard. I have this situation under control.' Mark appeared behind us, frowning and with his big arms crossed.

'But... What's going on here?' I couldn't even believe that awkward situation. Helen wounded, Harold being caring and now Mark talking to me. Too much to process.

'It's my house. So trust me, everything is cool now. Why don't you come and help me out a bit with the issue?' he said with his deep voice.

So, after checking out Helen was fine and leaving her in Harold's hands, I followed Mark to the deepest part of the garden, with my legs trembling and my heart pounding wildly.

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