Benchwarmer, Spoilsport and Maneater

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A few weeks passed since the living room moment with my parents and being out of the closet at home was a nice spectacle to watch. Not because of me, or course. I was exactly the same person I used to be, except for that beautiful sense of freedom all over my body.

Mom and Dad were really engaged to make me feel happy and confident with my sexuality. While he was trying to introduce his old gay college acquaintance, Paul, to give me some piece of advise; she was looking for LGBT+ books about self acceptance and pride.

Truth is that I was fine. Actually, more gushing than ever in my entire short life. But I had to understand it's a big deal for them and they were doing their best to cope with the situation.

My parents were really cool but my friends weren't the exception. In fact, they weren't even surprised with my announcement. I was sit on Helen's full-of-clothes armchair while Robert, Mindy and her were lying on the bed, paying full attention to my words. I was as tense as when it happened at home.

'Guys. I think I'm gay...'

'Wow! Big deal! Tell me another thing I didn't know.' Helen was this kind of person that couldn't even keep to herself any thought that come across her mind 'Congrats Li. Now we have to go and seek some hotties. Don't you think?' Oh, and for a lack of a better term, she was a 'maneater' as well.

'Sure...' I was really loosing up.

'Not everybody is a whore like you.' Mindy was a structured person with a strong sense of morality, but with a heart of gold 'I'm really glad, Liam. It's a big step, for sure. We are with you.'

'Dude! That's why you refused all this time to date Karen... She's so foxy.' Robert was a tiny muscled jock and a lovable jerk 'I love you, dude...' he stood and gave me a brief hug 'But keep in mind this steel booty is ladies only'.

'Asshole' I shouted as I took a cushion and threw it into Rob's face. A long laughter invaded the bedroom. We knew each other since kinder, so there's a deep strong bond beneath all our clear differences.

After a bunch of nonsense comments and lots of friendly jokes, Helen suddenly stood up.

'Now. We have to celebrate this out-of-the-closet thing.' she said when she started to look for some short club dresses in her wardrobe.

'I'm not sure. I don't even know if Liam is in mood...' Mindy, as usual, was trying to be comprehensive.

'I'm okay with that. In fact, it has been long since we have gone out all four of us together.' I was cool with the idea. I desperately needed to start living my teenage life.

'See?' Helen was really satisfied and kept on her search.

'I've been invited to Mark's party tonight.' Robert is on the football team (as a bench-warmer though) and he befriend all the stupid popular guys from High School. 'You may come. Last Friday's was crunk.'

'Do you really want me to go, Liam? I'm not really into parties...' as hard as she tried, Mindy was a spoilsport by nature.

'You don't have to come if you don't want to do so.' I said when I stood up to let Helen stir the clothes in her armchair.

'Okay. Cannot even think with this mess. Would you guys mind go home and catch up later for the party?' Helen was really nervous.

'Pay no mind. I'm leaving. There's a lovely novel waiting for me' replied Mindy as she stretched.

'Dad will lend me the car tonight, so I can pull you guys over.' Robert sounded excited as we all went downstairs  'Eleven? At Li's '

'Eleven sounds good.' Helen and I exclaimed at the same time we all say goodbye to each other in the hall.

After departing, at Helen's door, Mindy gave me a sweet kiss in the cheek, surrounding my neck with her arms.

'I love you, Lizard' she whispered softly. 'I'm really glad for you. You know where to find me if you need my help. '

'Thank you, M. Love you too.'

When I was leaving my friend's house, I started to feel a little bit shaky. This was my first night out of the closet and a strange mixture of feelings invade my body as I walked back home in that beautiful starry night.

Oh. Are you wondering about the Lizard thing, right? Well... that's another story to tell.

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