Of Crushes and Boys

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'Wow! It's really a shocker, isn't it?' He said cheerfully while standing just a few inches before me. A big grin invaded his cute boy face while his hands were inside his pockets as a little sign of shyness. He's even more handsome that I remembered. Sure, we were almost toddlers back then. Luckily, the greasy puberty had left his skin and his features were more manly then. I didn't know if it was the glittering darkness inside the club or the fact that I had drunk that loaded cocktail back at the pool party, but I was mesmerized by him. As if a magnetic force was attracting my body onto his. So, I suddenly hugged him tightly.

'It's so nice to see you again!' I said as fast as clumsily while we were embracing each other. Dean hadn't resisted my hug. On the contrary, he firmly wrapped my waist with his skinny but long arms.

'How are things going? Are you still in High School, right?' Dean asked as he released me after a couple of intense seconds. I didn't know what I was doing but finding an old crush of mine in the middle of some club was really amusing.

'Pretty fine. Actually, I've finished High School a few weeks ago. Next stop: College. Woo-hoo!' I answered in such a corky way that made me blush instantly. I was really nervous and I tended to make a fool of myself when I was in front of someone I liked.

<<The same happened when I was next to Mark.>> I said to myself instinctively, shaking my head to avoid thinking about him.

'That's cool! I'm studying literature in the State College. It's not so great, but at least I'm close to my family and friends.' He shrugged and raised his hand in order to point at the bar 'What about if I buy you a drink?'

'I dunno. I'm not really used to drink much. Besides, I told my friend I was waiting for her right here.' I knew I was being a bit of a spoilsport but even though I was dying to know more about Dean and made out with him all night long, I was still mourning the Mark's thing.

'Come on. It will be fun! I promise I will take care of you no matter what!' His hypnotic smile was convincing me to accept his invitation.

'Lizard! I'm baa-aaaack!' Mindy was waving his hand from the middle of the dancefloor. She seemed to be a little bit tipsy and the fruity cocktail she was sipping made my point. My friend was joined by a feisty Theo and a kind of introverted guy I had never seen before.

'Oh... I guess you've to go and check if she's fine. Besides, you have to hang with your friends and I should be looking for my pals as well. What if you give me your number? We can meet anytime and have a drink or something.' Dean came closer to me and gave me his iPhone.

'Sure! Why not?' I typed my number and added myself to his contacts with a plane emoji right next to my name 'So you can remember who I am tomorrow when you wake up wasted in the morning.'

'Ha-ha. So funny.' He took his cellphone back and gave me a sweet peck on the cheek as I turned reddish 'See you, Liam.' And left me standing next to the pillar as I could see how he was walking towards the crowd not without turning to where I was a couple of times, smiling on my direction.

'Welcome to the family, Li-li! I knew you were on our team! It was just a matter of time before you ended up here.' Theo came almost running next to me, shouting right into my ear as he was jumping in excitement.

'Yey! Thanks Theo!' I answered shortly, forcing a little smile as I lost sight of Dean. Theo was really annoying sometimes but I had to be nice to him because I knew he was truly proud of my coming out thing.

'Come, Oliver!' Mindy took the other boy's hand and grabbed him next to us. He was really nervous to be around us. After giving him a quick look, I realized that even though his manners were manly as fuck, his face features were delicate, almost feminine.

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