4. Maybe the Night By Ben&Ben

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Luna Emilia pauses and looks down at Zofia "That is not their way, we've discussed this"

Zofia harrumphed while I turn to Endie who has turn unusually quiet, consciously quiet. There was air coming from the Bergquist side, but it wasn't enough to keep me from sweating nervously in front.

The youngest looking one has yet to look up or stop from eating and drinking her wine. Zofia frowns in disappointment as she scowls at the girl beside her. "it's your turn"

The girl looks so different from her parents and siblings. She looked as if like a distant cousin than a one of their own. The only similarity she has of theirs is the silver eyes from Luna Emilia "Mean, spelled like how you'd say it, Me-an. No 'e' on the end" was her answer while she takes another full glass of wine.

"Excuse my sister, she just got from her gap year" Zofia says "Might I know your family's names?"

I nod "This is my twin brother Endionne, Avery here is next to me and Amery and Avoy" I point to my sibling's heads with a fork which I just remembered was rude, so I put it down. I sheepishly smile at them while I swallowed the lump in my throat "and I'm Enna"

"You're quite the most adorable thing we've ever seen" Antony says,

"That's the understatement of this century" Zofia giggles while cutting on to her steak

I feel like one of the animals in a pet shop. Well, one of the traumatized pets that doesn't want to be sold and scurries to the corner of the cage. I look at Endie and he has his eyes narrowed  at them.

They're so strange he says

Not knowing how to communicate, I just nodded even if I wanted to say so much more. I wanted to tell Endie to pick us all up and go then not turn back.

"My sister is not for sale" Avery's voice suddenly came to pierce the already sensitive line of our conversations that we're all dancing on. My eyes widen, horrified. I step on her foot with my heel, but it only made it worst when she cursed out loud and everyone's attention were on her.

Mom's jaw dropped while Dad's jaw was clenched. "Avery, language!" Mom chastises through gritted teeth.

"It's not my fault, Mom! These two has been looking at Sissy as if she was on the slave market" Avery scowls while leans down to rub her foot. It caught Mean's attention as she was smiling at Avery now. "what are you looking at?"

Mean smiles widen and shakes her head.

"Avery" both me and Mom say at the same time.

Suddenly, we hear the loud laughter of Alpha Mariuso. It echoes even down the hall of their castle. It took everyone's attention while he clutched his stomach as he did so. Luna and the other kids were smiling back at him "My, you do have a fine set of children, Markoff. They reminded me of you when you were young, remember?"

Dad sighs with a smile "too much, Marius. Too much"

"Oh! Come on, they are you! Though my children are right, your human is quite adorable. If you need anyone to babysit if you go back to America, then I'd take her off your hands" he winks at Dad

I see Endie take the silver knife and bent it under the table. He was clearly ticked off. Any time now, and he'll explode.

"My daughter is too precious for us to just leave her" Dad smiles, warmly and assuringly at me. "but we'll take that offer if your family goes on a vacation and no one is guarding the castle"

Alpha Mariuso laughs again "Ha! Markoff you haven't changed a bit"

Endie groans "This place is crap" he whispers under his breath but everyone can hear him.

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