She pulled his head down closer to hers and took a deep breath. Looking up at Ryan for the first time in what felt like an eternity, she could see nothing more than the want in his eyes. His eyes held such an intensity that it made her want to shiver in want. She wanted to rip his close off and let him take her to another world. She had read books where the girl looked upon her lover’s eyes and saw nothing but lust and want. But when Addie looked into Ryan's eyes, she saw love. She didn’t know if she was seeing right, but she defiantly wasn’t about to question it right now.

He didn't move from his spot above her on the bed. He hovered over here watching her, and waiting for her permission to do anything further. Addie summoned up all the courage she had within her being and raised her hand crooked her finger at him.

Her breath hitched in the back of her throat as he leaned even closer towards her. She couldn't find it in her to breathe out until he was hovering directly over her. Addie couldn't find it within herself to suck in a breath as she looked up at the gorgeous man above her. This is what she wanted. This is what she's always wanted. His head was just a couple inches away and Addie could just feel the anticipation of what was to come.

At a painfully slow rate, Ryan began to lower his head down just enough so that Addie could feel his minty breath fan out over his face. Addie held herself completely still, waiting for his next move. For she was too scared to make any movement herself.

"Addie," she heard his husky voice whisper against her lips, "are you sure you want to do this? You're shaking?" Addie smiled up at him as best as she could, before nodding her head yes. He stilled above her and studied her face for any chance of hesitation, but Addie knew he wouldn't find any.

She wanted him, and even though she knew she wasn't ready to have him completely, she wanted him in any possible way she could have him. She smiled into the kiss as he finally pressed his lips against hers. She had lost count of how many times he had kissed her, but each time felt just like the first. She didn’t know if people ever got used to kissing someone, but every time she was with Ryan she didn’t know what to expect. It was always different and she loved it.

She reached up and curled her fingers in his dark locks and pulled him closer to her, deepening the kiss in the process. She felt his tongue swipe its way across her lips and she groaned as she parted them allowing him the access they were both anxious for.

Addie couldn't even put into words how wonderful he tasted against her tongue. Her chest began to burn as her lungs begged for the oxygen they needed, but Addie wanted nothing more than to never break this kiss. She wanted to lay there and kiss him all day long if he would let her. She just wanted him to be touching her, constantly. She didn’t know if that was healthy to want him this much, but she didn’t care at this moment. This was what she wanted and for the first time in her life, she was going to get what she wanted!

Sensing that air was needed, Ryan moved his lips away from Addie's, only to have them trail up and down her neck. The sensation felt amazing and Addie couldn't contain the moan that escaped from her parted lips when his lips found just the right spot behind her ear.

Ryan kissed, licked, and sucked on that one spot until Addie felt as if she was going to burst. Grabbing his head in her hands she brought his lips back to hers and sighed at the contact. His hand that was previously resting on her hip glided across her stomach and down until the traced the line of her shorts. She knew what was about to happen, and she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of it.

The Dangers of Love (The Dangers Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now