"Of course I care!" I snap cutting him off. "She's my little sister and I want her home just as badly as everybody else, but I'm not gonna sit back an ignore my kids birthday, just because she's not here. They come first and this is our second year with him and..."

"And why's that again?" He cuts me off "Because you and Ocean are selfish little pricks that only thinks about themselves an cared more about partying an getting high than you did your own kid and THAT'S why you lost him, but unlike YOU, I don't just move away an make another one to make up for the one I lost and then..."

"If i'm such a disapointment and a shitty person then why'd you bother coming?" I cut him off. "Yeah, I fucked up, but so what!? You weren't exactly a role model parent yourself were you!? At least my kids aren't growing up scared of me or terrified their gonna get beaten if I have a shitty day at work or..."

"No, that's just your wife" he scoffs "And atleast MY kids aren't gonna grow up hating me" I continue, ignoring his last comment

"We all hated you growing up an every single one of us couldn't wait to get away from you! You never cared about us and you never cared about Janet. The second she got pregnant you did nothing, but treat her like shit and I'm not suprised she left! The only thing I'm suprised about is how long it took her and...."

"And I wish it was YOU that was missing!!"

"JOESPH!" Mother gasps and we turn and see everybody standing at the back door.

"I- I didn't mean..."

"Yes you did" I mutter, cutting my dad off and walk back into the house with out waiting for his response.

Kathrine's POV

"I didn't mean to say that" Joesph sighs. "He was saying all this stuff and I just snapped and..."

"We all heard the whole thing" I cut him off "How could you say something like that to him? All he wanted to do was check you were ok"

"Well obviously I'm NOT OK! Our fucking daughters missing!" He snaps "And you think I don't know that!?" I snap back. "You think your the only one that's hurting right now? Because your not! and you can't keep taking it out on all of us and you can't keep blaming Michael and Ocean for what happened to Janet"

"I know that" he mumbles "But seeing him sitting there playing with his kids and cuddling his daughters and acting like nothings happened when all this time..."

"He's their father. Why wouldn't he? And incase you've forgotten, it's Duncan's 4th birthday today and that poor boy's just had to listen to his grandfather yelling at his father and say he wished he was missing!"

"I didn't tell you all to stand at the door" he shrugs. "No, but you were both screaming loud enough for us to hear you. Now you need to go inside an apologise to Michael"

"People have started arriving now" he says, pointing into the house and I see some parents and children, walking into the house.

"I'll talk to him after the party"

"No you need to speak to him before then. Just pull him aside an..."


"Joesph! You have just stood there and told our son, you wished he was the one that was missing, brought up all his past mistakes and accused him of not caring about his children and having Neveah to replace Duncan and the longer you leave it to talk to him, the longer he'll be thinking on it ..."

"I know. But it just came out and..."

"It's taken over 18 years for you and Michael to have the close bond you share now an your about to lose that if your not careful. Do you really want that? And it's not just with Michael, it's with everybody. Do you really want you family to go back to being afraid of you?"

Happy ever after?  (A Sequal to love hurts?)Where stories live. Discover now