13. Rian?

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Chapter 13 - Rian?

   My weighty eyelids didn't want to open, no matter how hard I tried. The Sun rays came through the slightly dirty window, shining straight into my eyes. I turned over, only to be faced by a man whose hair looked like a lion's mane, his cheeks flushed, and his arms protectively over my waist.

   The sheets were tangled up in my legs as they were twisted with Alex's legs that have been tickling me through the night. But I didn't mind, as long as I knew he wasn't going to leave somewhere else, I was content. The scent that I've grown to adore made me breathe in through my nose quite often – instead through my mouth. It was heavily, but that wasn't necessarily a bad think. I liked it a lot.

   Yawning loudly, I rubbed my tired eyelids with my hands. Alex was, of course, still holding on for dear life and still sleeping in peace.

   I tussled with the bed sheets that end up being an endless and hopeless battle. All I wanted was to cool down. Underneath the sheets was warm, a little too warm.

   But once my sizzling skin hit the cool air that was surrounding me, it sent a nice chilling breeze, especially from the ceiling fan.

   I stretched my legs as far as they'd go – Alex's legs limited my space. I gracefully turned to glace at the clock. My eyes bulged out at the sudden notice of what time it was. My steady heart drastically changed into the rapid beat of a drum.

   "Oh my god!" I blurted out, trying to get out of the bed. We were going to be late.

     "Alex, wake up!" I pushed him with force, but his heavy body wouldn't budge. But slowly as I was still struggling, his lips curled into a smirk. "Alex, I swear! We're going to be late. What do you not understand? L-A-T-E!"

   His eyes finally opened, and his smirk was bigger than before. He ran his hand through his tangled hair, hoisting his back up. "Have you ever heard of going to school late?"

    I looked at him as if he lost his mind, my eyebrows raised and my mouth ajar. This was the most absurd thing I've ever heard, actually it wasn't. If this happened before us happened, then it would have. But now? After all the things I've been doing, things that I'd never imagine me doing, it was nothing compared.

   But this was still crazy to think as I attempted to get out of the bed, but I ended up miserably failing by falling face first to the ground, but with half of my body still tangled into sheets.

"I need to call my brother." I was frantic trying to grab my phone that was on the floor.

I reached over it and dialed his number.


   "Derek, I'm going to take the bus." I glanced at Alex, hoping to god that his bizarre plan was going to work. With my luck, I knew it would be completely blown and I'd be in the worst type of trouble I would ever be in.

"Why are you calling me when you're just upstairs?" I could hear opening and closing of kitchen cabinets and shuffling.

   "I'm still trying to get ready. I woke up late. Go ahead and leave for your college classes." I lied. Alex was trying so hard to contain his laughter while I gave him the infamous death stare.

   "You're weird, Laila. Calling me when you're upstairs." He mumbled, and then there was a pause.

This was it, either I was busted or I was actually going to get away with this.

   "Alright whatever. Hurry up. The bus arrives at the bus stop down the street in ten minutes. I'm pretty sure there are other kids waiting already."

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