37🌺: Strings Attached

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I ran in the bathroom and Tay followed me. I cut on the shower and slapped him on the chest when he started stripping too. I pointed to the closet and he rushed to the white door as I locked the bathroom door. A couple of minutes into me showering nervously, I head Terry's voice.

"Bae? You in the shower?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, I guess?" I yell sarcastically over the shower water.

"Damn, without me?"

"You're not serious right now." I rolled my eyes.

"Man, I'm messin' witchu ma. Who phone?" My heart dropped.

"Most likely my best friend."

"Um, ion know bout that."

"Why?" I turned off the water.

"Cause you and some nigga on the lock screen."

"I don't know what she does in her free time, Terry."

"Haha, you funny." His voice was lined with sarcasm.

"Man, I'll be out there in a minute—stop allat damn fussing."

"Whatever man, I just wanna know who phone it is." I sighed aggressively.

"Can I get out the shower first? Before you start questioning me about the phone I don't even know about. I walk over to the closet and opened the door. He looked up at me and I kissed his forehead, then hit him upside his head.

"Why'd you leave your phone?" I mouthed as he rubbed his head. He shrugged. I just batted his hand away when he tried to pull at my towel and closed the door back. I went to the other side and exited the bathroom. Terry was sitting in the bed, holding the phone. I just started rambling through my drawers.

"So, this is ya best friend's phone?" He showed me the lock screen. Sure enough, Tay and I were on the front screen. It was a picture of us from graduation.

"Tay, lemme get a picture of you on the bleachers." Mama said, pointing to the spot she wanted him in. I over heard her and decided to photobomb the picture. I waited until he got sitting down and she had the phone up to run in and wrap my arms around his neck and laughing. He started laughing too, and the flash went off.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I stared at the picture.

"Looks pretty real to me." I sighed.

"That's me and my ex." I told him straight up.

"You never smile like that at me." I scoffed.

"Oh my God, do not start—"

"I'm for real!"

"You're not looking hard enough." I tell him as I pull out a suitable shirt and shorts, dropping my towel.

"Daaayum." I suck my teeth.

"Don't act brand new." I shook my head and slipped my clothes on.

"So, that nigga don't mean shit to you, right?" He asked. I bit my lip and nodded.

"Speak up."

"I said—" I was tired of lying to myself and everybody else. "Wrong."

"Good—wait, what?"

"Terry, I—I never stopped giving a fuck."

"Never stopped giving a fuck?" He chuckled. "I can't believe this shit."

"I'm sorry, but I'm still in love with him."

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