55 // ❀220 days before❀

957 54 17

A/N: boring filler chapter

My alarm sounds through my small and silent room and I reach my hand out from under the covers to turn it off.

I slowly open my eyes as they adjust to the morning brightness and a loud yawn escapes my lips. I shake my head lightly to wake myself up before removing myself from under the covers and making my way to the bathroom.

"No, come back," Harry groans from under the thick comforter. I turn back around momentarily to check if he was just sleep talking when his arm sticks out, grabbing me and pulling me towards him.

I let out a yelp in surprise but am then comforted again when he holds my body close to his naked chest, with the heat radiating from his body warming my own skin. He holds me against him for a few seconds before grabbing the comforter and pulling it over us.

"Just lay with me for a few minutes," his raspy voice whispers and his tone is still laced with sleepiness. He buries his face in the crook of my neck and not even a minute later I start to hear soft snores leave his parted lips.

"Harry," I playfully groan and try to pry him off of me. "I've already pressed snooze five times, we need to get up," I say and play tug-of-war with him using my own arm. I finally win after licking his face as a distraction and pad my bare feet across the cold floor towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to shower," I call out and right as I'm about to close the door, his arm sticks out to stop it from closing.

"Okay," he grins with tired eyes and a bed head. He starts to remove his sweatpants and I poke at his chest with my hand, stopping him from undressing any further.

"No, because every time we shower together things happen and we end up being late," I whine, pushing him completely out of the bathroom before shutting the door and locking it.

I hear a thud from the other side and I can already picture him resting his forehead against the door.

"I'll be good, I promise, Daisy," he empty promises. Even through the loud bathroom air vent I can still hear his low chuckle sound and it's my favorite sound to listen to first thing in the morning.

I love his playfulness and I'm glad we still have that fire.

I can already sense the honeymoon phase wearing off and I'm not ready to let that go just yet, especially now that Harry and Juliette have a potential in reentering the honeymoon phase themselves.

I feel like I'm in an episode of Sister-Wives.

After about an hour of getting ready and packing, Harry and I are finally ready and we walk downstairs to meet the rest of the gang.

Lou pulls up in this really nice rental car with Amelia and... Juliette... already inside.

Diyos, give me the strength and endurance to make it through this trip.


"I'll go check us in!" Lou announces as soon as she puts the car in park. Everyone starts to exit and grab their bags out of the trunk.

Holy shit, the ride dragged on and I felt like I've been in the car for an entire fucking week.

I slept most of the time but that's because I couldn't stand Juliette's witch laughing at everything Harry said. I tried not to say anything about it so instead I secretly took melatonin so that I wouldn't have to deal with annoying conversations with her.

I did wake up though a couple of times and spotted Juliette leaning on Harry's shoulder as she fell asleep.

I fucking hated that. I also wish I were awake to experience the nice and comforting silence when her mouth isn't open.

By the end of the ride I had acquired a headache from listening to Juliette and her annoying ass voice.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now