18 // ★585 days before★

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A/N: watch the video for reference :)) also i love Notting Hill. i love rom-coms if you haven't guessed it already

Just as how Graham warned me a few minutes ago, a knock sounds on the door. Great. Just Great. I walk to the door and the sounding gets obnoxiously louder.

"I'm coming! Calm the fuck down," I groan. With a swift open to the door, an arrogant, loathsome, Batman-hating Elise is revealed.

I roll my eyes and attempt to shut the door in her face. My plan would've worked if it weren't for the stupid door closer that makes dramatic exits less effective with how slow they close. Her foot catches the door before it can close and she steps into my hotel room.

I walk away and continue getting dressed for the day.

"Good Morning to you too," she snidely greets. I don't say anything and instead put on a shirt to save her the embarrassment of her excessive staring. "Look, don't you think we should, you know, settle our differences? We can't have scowls on our face for the paparazzi photos."

I turn around and she has her weight shifted to one side and her arms intimidatingly crossed over her chest.

"Admit it first," I point and take a few steps towards her.

"Admit what?!" She knows full well what I'm talking about.

"DC is better than Marvel."

"Oh my God, Harry, what are you? Eight years old?"


Yes. I'll never let this go. How dare she disrespect me like this.

"Fine, whatever, DC is better than Marvel. Now are you done pouting like a fucking child?" she asks.

"It didn't sound like you meant it. Say it like you mean it." I cross my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes at her.

"Harry, I don't even give a shit about stupid comics-"

"Say it." I interrupt her.

"DC is better than Marvel," she restates with a straight and bored face.

"Ya know, I was head over heels for you like two weeks ago," I say as I pick up my dirty clothes off the floor. My mood surprisingly lightening within the last two minutes.

I should really learn to not let people take advantage of my kindness all the time. I wouldn't say I forgave her just yet, but the fact she wants to settle our dispute makes me slightly warm up towards her. And maybe the fact that I am acting like an eight year old by fighting over comic companies makes me look even more immature.

"What? Are you saying I've lost my charm?" she smirks and dramatically throws her hands up to her chest as if she's just been shot in the heart.

A laugh escapes my lips and I quickly conceal it with a cough or else she'd think I'm okay with her now.

I mean I guess she's okay now. As long as she keeps her debatable opinions to herself I'd be willing to acknowledge her now as Elise and not Satan.

"Seriously though, Harry, are we good? This bantering is exhausting." Her face softens and she gives me a sympathetic smile.

All of a sudden, the fire from Hell is extinguished behind her and I recognize her again as the charming girl I had an amazing dinner with on our first date.

Well, the first half was amazing. That was until we started fighting over the difference between a macaron and a macaroon, but I'm over it now.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now