37 // interview

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A/N: truth be told i was too lazy to make this a chapter sorry :) also it's a really cheesy and cliche scene (actually every chapter i've written so far has been cheesy and cliche) but i promise the real tea is coming.........

*middle of the interview*

Interviewer: So this is the second leg of the Harry Styles tour, am I correct?

Harry: You are correct.

I: So how's it been going so far? This is your first solo tour. You've been doing an amazing job at it, by the way.

H: Thank you!

I: Yeah, it's a success! So how are you liking it so far?

H: It's definitely a new experience, but I've been loving every second of it so far. Yeah. It's been pretty great. I mean I've toured the world with the band a few times. This time is different because I'm alone, it's a new album, a new sound and everything.

I: Totally. But... you're not completely alone, am I right?

H: Oh geez. I already know where you're going with this. That was pretty smooth.

I: I mean it's kind of inevitable, we have to talk about it.

H: Okay okay

I: When you came into the studio earlier, I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous that brunette behind you was! What's her name again?

H: Victoria. And if you're trying to get me to set you up with her it's not happening, bud.

I: Obviously! Because the two of you are dating!

H: I mean she's always on the road so I personally don't think it would work out.

I: So the two of you are dating?!

H: I never said that!

I: Okay, but be honest. Are you and Victoria like... a thing? Like officially together?

H: No, we're not.

I: Oh my god! You guys! He's blushing! I made Harry Styles blush! But news articles swarmed the internet the other day about your little outing with her at the waterpark. Was that just an innocent hangout or was it a date?

H: It was a date, yeah. Okay, let's move on now hahaha.

I: One more question; would you go on a second one? Just let her know now because she's listening.

H: Oh god. Yes, I would. In a heartbeat.


*2 days later*

"I'm gonna let go now, okay?" I say and start to loosen the grasp I have on her fingers.

"You better fucking not or I'm taking you down with me," she snaps and my grip magically tightens again.

A little girl with her bright blonde hair in pigtails speeds right past us and gives her a snarky look.

"Well, sorry, not everyone is a master of the ice rink like fucking Elsa," I hear her mutter to herself and I laugh at her comment.

"Look at that! A five year old is better at this shit than you are!" I point in amazement at the same little show off who spins in place as her mom records her like a pageant contestant.

"Whatever," she mumbles and almost trips on her own feet. I grab onto her arms to hold her steady as she regains her balance.

Ever since we got onto the ice rink almost twenty minutes ago, Ria's refused to let go of me so I've pretty much been inching backwards to guide her along the circular flow of other people skating. The first ten minutes she gripped the railings for leverage and it took me a while to convince her to let go.

This second date has been going pretty well so far. It started off with just a lunch out in the city until we drove by this skating rink and I begged her to go in with me. She tried to act all tough and edgy but I caught that cheesy smile she kept to herself.

"Don't hate me but..." I start to say and instantly let go of her death grip. I back away from her slowly to see if she'll be able to balance on her own and surprisingly she does.

"Harry!" she yelps and stills her movements. "Harry! I can't move!"

"You're fine! See?" I laugh but shouldn't be at her panicked state. "Just move one foot in front of the other," I suggest while trying to hold back my laughter.

"Stop laughing!" she giggles. "I seriously can't move." She's frozen in place with her arms out in front of her and her cheeks pink from the cold and shifts glances across the room.

"Okay fine," I give in and grab her hands once again. Not only to help her but I feel a little dependent and needed her touch again.

Our hands join in warmth and it's the most comfortable feeling I've ever become accustomed to.

She covers her face with her hands in embarrassment and laughs when I pull them away.

"Awww you're so adorable," I tease.

"Fuck off," she snaps fiercely and I laugh at how out of place she looks like when she's scared or nervous.

I attempt to lean in closer and pull our bodies in but she softly pushes me away when we hear the sound of camera shutters. I turn my direction to the sidelines and notice a few men with cameras along with a few squealing fans.

I notice Ria's uneasiness and maybe I shouldn't have chosen something so public to do on our second date. Maybe I should've chosen something more romantic like a rooftop dinner since rooftops tend to be our hiding spot.

"I'm sorry about that," I apologize and scratch the back of my head nervously. I'm a little timid about this now and I don't want her to have the same outlook as Jules did about the "fame."

"It's okay," she reassures but she sounds a little unsure.

"Why don't you come home to Holmes Chapel with me?" I blurt out in an effort to relax her tension.

"What?" she chokes on her breath, obviously caught off guard.

"The crew is going to Manchester tomorrow but my next concert doesn't start until a couple of days later. So I was planning to visit my family for a couple of days and I want you to come with me."

Uhh... I don't know. I mean are you sure? What if your family gets the wrong idea about me?" she asks sounding adamant and nervous. She thinks we're just friends but it's obvious we're already more than that.

We haven't given ourselves any official titles yet. We've only been on a couple of dates so far and we don't want to rush anything.

I already know that she's not very socially inclined and I can tell she's waiting for me to say something about our title or whatever we are.

"Don't worry, they'll love you. Now if you don't give me an answer in five seconds I'll tickle you," I tease with an empty threat.

"I'll groin kick you if you do, and the fact that I have blades on the bottom of my shoes would make it pretty dumb for you to even think about doing such a thing." She points her finger at my chest and if stares could kill, I'd already be six feet under in my grave.

"Threat revoked,"I announce and a smile creeps over her face.

lThought so. Anyways, yes, I'll go with you." She grins widely and I can't help the excitement that's expressed on my face.

A/N: btw i cringed the entire time i wrote, edit, and read this trust me im with you i hate myself so much


and don't forget to check out my new story "Sasquatch!"

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ