10 // ❀604 days before❀

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Monday finally rolls around and I wake up earlier than I usually do in order to squeeze in a quick session at a gym that I found a few days ago. Like most people, I like to transfer my hatred and anger into positive energy that I can release at the gym through punching and kicking.

Ahh, there's nothing more relaxing than imagining Harry's face on a punching bag. That'll hopefully get me to stop thinking about him so much. If he looked all beat up and bloody—alright, chill out Ria, that was a bit dark and violent, what the hell is wrong with you?

But now that I think about it, Harry would still look hot even more-so all battered up.

When I eventually get back home, I take a quick shower and choose my outfit for the day. Not that I care so much about social standards, but I do decide to put in just a little more effort in dressing up. So I put on a dark orange long sleeve v-neck with a green corduroy skirt. I saw the outfit on a mannequin once and bought it since I have no talent or skill to dress myself.

Harry will be at the office today for a debrief meeting with his team.

A little makeup won't hurt. It is New York after all.

My place is conveniently located close to work so I'm able to just walk a few minutes to the tall skyscraper.

My work days start off like it usually does; Graham gives me assignments that he's too lazy to deal with himself and I sit in on a couple of his meetings as his note-taker.

Finally, after a few long hours of boring paper work, I'm sitting back at my desk, nervously waiting for the afternoon to roll around so that he and I can go to Harry's meeting.

Okay, but why do I even care about that so much?

Soon enough, Graham pops his head out of his office and calls for my attention.

"Hey, Ria, you can sit this next meeting out and grab an early lunch or something. It shouldn't take too long and it's not that important." He smiles and closes his office door after him.

"Okay..." I try not to sound too disappointed even though I kinda am. I debate on whether or not to insist on attending the meeting but decide against it because it might come off as desperate and pathetic.

A part of me hopes that Harry will swing by and annoy me again just so that I could see him. I know he could get on my nerves sometimes but he's like my only friend here. Everyone else is older and driven with their work. There's no office gossip to entertain myself with so, needless to say, Harry brightens my day.

I'm reminded by my realistic side that he has a girlfriend. Well technically.

I end up ordering takeout for lunch so that I could eat and work at my desk. I'm not even 20 minutes into my Orange is The New Black episode and halfway through my pasta bowl when I get my daily dose of Harry Styles.

"Aww, you remind of an... orange daisy." His voice startles me, causing me to jump a little in my seat.

Why must he start every sentence on a loud resounding note and why can't he make noise when he walks to warn people of his upcoming presence? He should seriously come with a bell.

"What are you doing?" he asks, noticing the way I'm crouched down under my desk trying to unplug the power cord from my computer.

"I'm moving my computer over there," I point to the other side of my desk. "So that I'm able to see anyone trying to sneak up on me within a 20 feet radius." I smile. He laughs and I glare over at him. I take a double take on his outfit before bursting into a fit of breathless laughs.

"Oh my god. What the fuck are you wearing?" I try to contain my laughter by covering up my mouth with my hands. He has this sort of oddly patterned suit and it does not look like something someone just wakes up and decides to wear.

He raises both hands in the air and looks down at his ridiculous outfit.

"What's wrong with it?" He whines and points at his funny, yet sort of cute, suit.

"It looks like you stole my grandma's living room curtains and made an outfit out of it." I giggle, sounding and looking very pleased with my joke.

He rolls his eyes and holds a blank expression. "For your information, I have interviews all day today. And it's Gucci."

"And it's Gucci," I mock with a terrible English accent and a deeper voice. I turn away from him trying to hide my smile and hoping he doesn't see.

"So, Daisy, can I call you Daisy?" He takes a seat on the top of my desk. I continue to type away on my computer, pretending that I have actual work to do and that I wasn't just emotionally invested in Piper's life problems at the Litchfield Penitentiary.

"And why would you want to do that?"

"Because I find it funny how you have a whole list of names; Victoria, Ria, Vicky, and now Daisy."

"Only if I get to call you my Lola," I laugh and he just glares at me.

"Plus, your outfit reminds me of the flower." He shrugs.

"They're actually weeds," I correct him.

"Wow. Someone's a little pessimistic today," he mumbles.

"Since when am I not?" I tease with a bright smile, leaning back in my chair and holding my hand up to my chest.

"Hey babe, you ready?" Elise pops up behind Harry and she snakes her arm around his. The new location of my computer doesn't seem to help considering I didn't notice her walking towards us.

"Oh hey Ria!" she greets me. I respond with a small smile and decide to plug in my earphones to distance myself from listening in on their disgusting flirty conversation that they could totally have in the lobby and not in the middle of my office cubicle.

"Yeah, I'll meet you downstairs. I just have to go talk to Graham real quick." He grins at her.

"Okay!" she chirps and leaves with her heels clicking loudly beneath her.

"Babe? I thought you guys weren't real behind cameras?" I turn to face him and question but I soon realized that my tone sounded a bit too interested and envious than I had originally wanted it to.

"Of course we're not." He winks and turns away.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now