12 // ❀595 days before❀

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A/N: boring filler chapter sorryyy

It's already the middle of next week and it seems to have been my busiest yet. Graham allowed me to do school work at the office when he didn't have anything for me to do. I already had a couple of essays and tests so I've been pretty busy.

I haven't heard from Harry since last Friday and the tension is kinda getting to me. My morning gym workouts aren't even helping relieve the stress or tension at all considering I'm still spending every waking minute thinking about it.

Instead, I decide to call Lani during my lunch break and she gratefully picks up after the first ring.

"Hey, girly, don't forget me when you become famous okay?" Lani speaks first.


"You're basically famous! There are so many pictures circulating Instagram and Twitter right now of you with Elise and Harry. THe paparazzi pictures of you with Harry at that restaurant and then with you and Elise at that club," she explains with excitement. "Everybody knows who you are here. All the girls from high school are tipping off media outlets saying that they were all best friends with you? I mean how fucked up is that?"

What? How did the media even find out my name?


"Please let me make you an Instagram. I can get you one of those verification badges and that'll show those snobby trust fund bitches from high school."

We spend the next hour or so talking on the phone and everytime I try to steer the topic away from Harry, it always ends up back at him. Then she makes me promise not to forget her when I "blow up on the internet." And she talks marketing skills with me by persuading me to sign up for social media and boost my fan base or some shit.


It's finally Friday and this week has been really.. weird. Harry was at the office a few times and didn't even come to say hello. Is he seriously that butthurt?

I even saw him and waved before he just turned the other way and ignored me completely!

I feel sort of bad for not trying to talk to him, lending him my trust to confide in me, and maybe even ask why the fuck he's acting like a 16 year-old emotional teenage girl.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now