48 // ★370 days before★

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"I can't believe you woke me up this early in the morning, especially since it's our off day, to watch what the sun does every morning," Ria yawns.

"Oh stop being such a bleak baby and be grateful at the fact the sun actually does come up every morning," I respond and rest my hand on top of hers.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, Ghandi, I'm grateful for Vitamin D production," she says in a mocking tone and laughs. I return my gaze back to the front of us at the beautiful, orange illuminated sky.

I'm proud of myself for getting her out of bed this early during her off day. She's usually such a monster at six when she knows she can sleep in. She still sucks at hiding her smiles though when she's trying to act all irritated at me.

Almost too quickly, the blue breaks through the clouds and the sun is at its peak.

"We should go explore!" I excitingly suggest.

"I have homework," she whines and I know she just wants to put up a fight because she's that stubborn.

"Well Lani would say something like 'It's called online school for a reason!'" I counter and she rolls her eyes at me but smiles right after. I stand up from my lawn chair and reach out my arm to pull Ria up with me.

I pull her closer so that our chests are touching and move my hands to the small of her back to help stable her. She gives me a small look of confusion before I lean down crashing my lips feverishly against hers.

I feel her arms make their way to my shoulders as she wraps them around my neck. Our mouths move in sync and I can already feel her chest start to move up and down rapidly, as is mine. The mood changes from playful to heated in a matter of minutes as my hands start to roam, giving her ass a playful squeeze and a small moan escapes her lips.

I should probably stop my little scheme of waking her up before it gets too far and we won't end up leaving this damn place.

I break away first and her eyes start to flutter open in confusion. She's out of breath and her lips are slightly swollen.

"Now are you in the mood?" I smirk and teasingly ask with a slight seductive tone. Her eyes gleam in excitement. Hahaha what a fucking horndog.

"To go sightseeing with me of course!" I add and remove my hand that's already made its way under her bra. I start to walk away, laughing at myself at the look of defeat on her face. I hear her mutter a "fucking bitch" under her breath and glance back to see her following behind with a scowl on her face as she wraps the thick blanket more securely over her shoulders. God, she's so cute.

The rest of the day pretty much consisted of Harry and I playing hide and seek with Bobby as we tried multiple times to escape him during the tourist tours. I soon later found out that he grew a set of eyes behind the back of his shiny, bald head ever since that day Harry and Elise snuck into that rose garden. I hated that day.

The sun is already starting to set when we find an ice cream truck on the side of the road. Fans and others start to accumulate on the streets, forcing Bobby to escort us to a more closed off and private space before a disruption starts. But Harry was able to pose with a few fans as we arrived at this long alleyway.

"Okay, next question," I say and swipe my tongue over the large mound of vanilla ice cream on a waffle cone. I don't know how we got to this, but we started interrogating each other once we found out Harry doesn't even know what my favorite TV show is and I didn't know who his favorite band was growing up.

He looks up, deep in thought, "This is a cliche interview question, but, if you could live anyone's life for a day who would it be and why?"

"Probably Eponine from Les Miserables because she's such a strong character for what she has to go through and she has a killer voice. I'm referring to Lea Salonga, of course, and I'd probably just sing all day long," I shrug and take another swipe at my ice cream.

"So you would be Eponine solely for her singing abilities despite the fact she had to sit and watch the love of her life love someone else only to eventually be killed?" Harry counter argues and I take a second to think about it.

He's right.

"Okay fine. I'd be Hermione Granger because I'd eventually get to marry Ron and I'd also be a wizard at Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts huh? See, I was expecting more of a grown up answer like Joan of Arc or even Mother Teresa," he teases and I swat at him, nudging him with my elbow. He laughs and looks down at me. "I love you," he blurts out almost as if he meant to say that in his mind.

We've both admitted that we were in love with each other but that was kind of different. Now it's more of a couple's milestone we're going through and I'm not sure what to expect next.

Harry's body stiffens momentarily as he realizes that he's said those three incredible words out loud.

"What was that?" I tease and smile up at him.

"Hey, I think Bobby is looking for us," he says in an attempt to distract me. He looks left and right in a way of searching for Bobby even though I see him perfectly clear standing 50 feet away from us, talking on the phone.

"Just say it,"

"I love you, Marley Victoria," he says loudly and then lets out a breath of relief.

"Gross, don't call me that," I quickly mutter. "Geez, what took you so damn long?" I cross my arms over my chest and laugh as I shift on my tiptoes to peck his lips.

"I love you, Harold," I say and a small smile creeps up on his face. He rests his hand on my back, pushing me towards him before leaning down for a longer kiss.

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