47 // ❀373 days before❀

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A/N: boring filler chapter

📍Copenhagen, Sweden📍

"You drew this yourself?" I ask Lou's daughter in that high pitched voice that only comes out around young children. She proudly nods and flashes me her adorable toothless smile. I beckon her to sit with me on the floor so that we're out of the way of people rushing in and out of the dressing room. She sits next to me and continues to color in the blank drawing.

"I mean it. This show has to be the best one yet to make up for the humiliation you all put me through at yesterday's concert!" I hear Harry yell at the room to nobody in particular. Lou and Amelia cease their work to burst out in laughter and I even start to laugh at myself when I remember what happened at last night's show.

A frown takes over Harry's face and he is clearly not taking any of this as a joke.

"It wasn't funny," he mumbles and furrows his eyebrows.

"Awww," I respond sarcastically and fake a pout. If it weren't for Lux sitting peacefully on my lap, I would get up and smoothe the crease already formed between his eyebrows.

"Yes it was," Lou and Amelia both say at the same time. It's crazy to me how alike the two of them are. The two of them look nothing alike with Lou's long dirty blonde hair and Amelia's shorter brunette locks yet they could both be mistaken for sisters.

Graham walks in and asks "Oh yeah, what did happen?" He sets his coffee mug on the table and sits cross legged on the chair besides me.

"The band decided to prank me and put some kind of effect on the microphone so that I would sound out of tune while I belted out my most powerful note," he explains and the room erupts in laughter at the memory of Harry's confused face on stage.

"It was April Fools Day!" I defend but Harry's frown remains etched into his features.

"Oh, I just thought you were having an off day but I didn't wanna say anything and sound rude," Graham mentions and sips from his mug. Lou continues to giggle while trying to tame Harry's messy head of hair.

"I don't care that it was a prank because almost everyone didn't see it as one!" Harry argues and I can already see his "angry" mask starting to fall as he tries to fight a smile coming out. It doesn't help that I smirk at him and he tries his absolute best not to reciprocate.

"What are you talking about? Everyone knew it was April Fools Day," Amelia says.

"I got tweeted at all night from people defending me for having 'an off day.' Nobody saw it as a prank and they all thought it was real!" Harry's mask falls and he joins Amelia in laughter. They mumble and play fight each other before Lou finally yells at them to stop before they mess up Harry's hair.

I bring Lux up with me to sit on the sofa and continue my swaying motion while she sits in my arms.

"Harry, Mark needs a confirmation on whether or not you'll be attending the BRITS in London," Graham says without looking up from his phone.

"Yeah, I'm going." Harry answers and looks over at me the same time I glance up. "Will you be my date?" he asks and my pulse accelerates. So many things start to run through my head and my anxiety starts to build up slowly.

Will I have to dress up all fancy and shit? Or stand in front of paparazzi on the red carpet? I can't even smile longer than 30 seconds without my face cramping! Will I have to stand with Harry during his interviews?

This will be our first public appearance together and what if those hating fans are there? What if they start yelling at me or something? Or worse... what if they do something terrible like one of those flour bombs people do on celebrities walking the red carpet? Like what happened to Adam Levine and Kim Kardashian...

That would be so embarrassing...

"Babe?" Harry interrupts my paranoia.

"Yeah, I'll go. When is it?"

"In a couple of weeks," Graham answers for him.


❀371 days before❀

"Alright, sounds good. Thanks, man," Graham shakes the hand of an old man in a suit with a tag labeling him as the stadium's "general manager."

We just got out of a short meeting when Graham dismisses me for the day and says that I can go back to the hotel. Harry only has one radio station interview for the day and everyone will meet for dinner in a few hours.

I decide to take advantage of my down time and catch up on some homework. I'm honestly terrified of looking at my progress report at this point.

I don't know how, but I manage to work for four hours interrupted and without any distractions. But I am soon interrupted by Lou and Amelia who come bursting in through the hotel room door with shopping bags holding them down by their arms. Eh, I needed a break anyways.

"Oh shit. When's the awards show again?" I start to freak out.

"In a week, calm down chica," Lou says and they both start to unpack the bags, laying multiple dresses on the bed. It's just now starting to hit me that this is all real and is actually happening.

Diyos, I'm starting to get extremely nervous now. Maybe if I break a leg I wouldn't have to go...

"Put away the worry lines, honey, you're speeding up the aging process. Now, Lou and I took the liberty of choosing a dress for you since your wardrobe pretty much consists of graphic t-shirts, jeans, and sweatshirts. I've only seen you wear a blouse and a dress once," Amelia says.

"I'm not even ready! Don't I have to go through some kind of media training or some shit?! I can't even hold a smile for longer than 10 seconds! And cameras are my worst enemy; they add 20 pounds to my figure," I ignore Amelia's drag at my wardrobe and start to frantically complain.

"Everything will be fine, Ria. We'll be there as part of Harry's team and you probably won't even have to walk the carpet with Harry! It'll only take a few minutes and we pretty much just stand behind the cameras during all the interviews," Lou reassures me. "The only time you'll ever be on camera is when they film Harry during the show since you'll be sitting right next to him."

Ugh, fuck me.

"Is Harry even performing?" Amelia asks Lou as she smoothes out a light pink silky dress that, from the looks of it, will probably show way too much cleavage nobody asked for.

"No, I don't think so. He's just a nominee for one of the awards. He's a shoe-in though."

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