46 // ❀376 days before❀

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[POSTED SONG: The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson]

We spend the next few days here in Paradise before having to leave for the next part of Harry's tour starting in Sweden. It's been a rollercoaster the last couple of weeks but I'm finally learning to be more at peace with everything that's happened so far. I haven't been paying much attention to my school work so I'm debating whether or not it's a good idea to check the status of my grades.

Harry's busy getting all of our stuff ready upstairs while I help my mom in the kitchen. Graham enters through the front door and thanks my mom for hosting.

"Don't worry about it," she says and smiles, holding out a wet dish for me to dry. I take it from her hands and begin to wipe it down. Aunt Amy walks across the room and stands right beside me.

"Are you okay to go back to work? Because once we arrive in Sweden, we're gonna be going back to the rushed work pace," she forewarns me.

"It's fine if you want to take more time and spend it here," Graham adds. My mom eavesdrops on the conversation, looking at me and waiting for an answer.

As much as I'd like the time to myself, I can't leave Harry for a second time. Besides, the work isn't so hard, it's finding the time to balance work and school that's difficult.

I shake my head in response. "No, I'm going. I've done all my grieving and the fast paced environment will be a good distraction," I huff out. "Thank you, guys, for being so supportive." I look up at the three of them. I've always hated being in the center of attention especially if it involved pity because it made me look weak. And the way they're all staring me down with concerned looks makes me want to hide in a corner for the rest of the day.

"Only if you're okay with it, honey," my mom says and returns back to the dishes.

Everyone finishes getting ready and bidding their farewells and soon enough we're in the air on our way to Sweden.

Harry and I are in our usual positions, sitting right next to each other with him at the window seat because his long damn legs beat me to it.

I barely got any sleep last night and I feel my eyes drooping and my head feels heavy. I'm on the brink of falling asleep when the fucker nudges me with his elbow to wake me up.

"I got you something," I hear him whisper. I try my best to wake up fully in order to comprehend what the fuck is going on and sit up straight in my seat. Harry bends down to his bag and pulls a small box out then quickly hides it behind his back. He looks over at me with a stupid grin on his face, waiting for me to ask him what it is.

"Oh shit. Are you one of those people who celebrates every single monthly anniversary?" I ask feeling slightly panicked because I didn't get anything for him. I need to learn more about this relationship shit.

I'm brought to comfort when panic strikes through his face as well. "Shit. Is today an anniversary?"

"I don't know," I shrug and he shrugs too.

"Anyways..." He brings the box out in front of him, handing it to me and I take it from him. Now that I have a better look at it, I realize that it's a small velvet jewelry box. My heart leaps at the small thought and now I feel even worse for not thinking of it first.

"Harry..." I almost whine, knowing that he knows that I feel uncomfortable receiving gifts from others.

"Just open it!" He pushes my hands closer and urges me to open the overly decorated box.

Anxiety courses through me from the pressure of being watched opening a gift. I don't even know what to expect, to be honest.

I open it slowly at first and my gaze settles on a familiar small heart link charm in the middle. Shit, it's as beautiful as when I first laid eyes on it. But why?

"You can add it to your necklace," he suggests, pointing to the only one I have on right now. "That one night, when you were in the bathroom, Lani told me about your favorite jewelry store in the city... and how your dad brought you there a few times to help him pick charms for your mum. So I went in the other day with your mum and she told me that you've had your eyes on this one since you were eight."

I'm truly speechless. I probably look crazy without having said anything yet and just staring down at the gorgeous, diamond embroidered, yet simple looking, blue heart link.

Harry gently turns me around and removes my necklace in order to attach the link right next to my V pendant.

It's true. My dad would bring me into that small jewelry store whenever it was my mom's birthday, or when it was their anniversary, and he'd help me choose different seashell charms for her to add on to her already full charm bracelet. She loved it every single time and it never got old watching the smile form on her face followed by a hug from my dad; the kind that makes you believe in love. Those were some of my favorite memories of him.

The day after he passed away, I would always find myself going back to that small store and staring at the window displays from the outside. One day, that very heart link was placed for display and something always drew me to it. And everytime we passed by, I guess my mom noticed that my eyes lingered on a little longer than usual.

I haven't given one thought about that place since high school and am only now being reminded of the fond memories with Harry's kind gesture.

He finally finishes attaching the charm and he turns me around again to place the necklace back on.

"Harry... I- I don't know what to say, really," I say honestly. Through all the shit's that happened, he's still thinking about me and that makes me feel so secured and loved. Loved more than I've ever felt in my life.

"Thank you," I add. "You're seriously the best." I turn around to face him. I'm really bad at compliments and the gratitude shit. I'm too awkward.

Harry notices how hard I'm trying so he chuckles to himself and pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and he snakes his arm around my back. The small kiss he places on my forehead transfers so much electricity yet it feels so comforting. The sadness left in my body starts to make its way out.

He really makes me feel like the most special person in the world. Juts the little ways he finds to touch me and the small acts of affection diminishes so much of my self doubt. We've been together officially for less than two months now yet it feels way more real than that. There really is no concept of time when you fall way too hard for someone.

I need to stop playing around and start taking things more seriously. Taking our relationship for granted is something that will bite me in the ass if I keep it up.

"I love you," I decide to finally say. And for once in my life, there's no doubt or instant regret behind my words. Because I really mean it.

I feel his shoulder jerk a little at my random profession.

"What?" he asks sounding so surprised. If he had water in his mouth, there'd be a spit take.

I smile a smug smile and close my eyes, resting my head on his shoulders again.

"You heard," I whisper, still not being able to wipe the stupid grin off my face.

I love him, despite my confusion on how I should act. But all I know and feel right now, is that it feels so right. It's just the two of us and I wouldn't want anything else in the world.

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