30 // ❀469 days before❀

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[POSTED SONG: White Christmas cover by the Glee Cast]

A/N: boring filler chapter

also just wanted to let everyone know that the last chapter is 420 words

📍New York City, New York📍

I drop the last few pieces of clothing into the dryer before shutting and starting it. The last couple of days after Christmas have been so tiring. My jetlag was the worst part. I spent all day in bed and am just now unpacking and doing my laundry.

I grab the laundry basket off the floor and haul it over to the living room to fold. The second I sit down I get an alert on my phone.

I look over at it on the coffee table and see a text notification from Harry.

That's weird.

"Hey, you're probably still resting from your trip. But can I come over and can we talk?"

Okay, this is more than just unusual.

I'm confused. Is Harry here in New York? I thought he was going to be with Elise in Ohio with her family for the rest of the break.

I'm also a little surprised at his text considering we haven't really talked since Italy besides the few Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas text messages we've exchanged.

My heart starts beating really fast at the thought of Harry wanting to come over and talk about God knows what. I haven't seen him in more than a month and I already terribly miss him. I miss just being with him, talking with him, hugging him. I miss him.

But maybe he meant he wants to talk sometime before the tour and not right now.

No. I know him too well.

I drop the sweater I was in the middle of folding and rush over to the door. When I pull it open, all of my assumptions were proven true and my blood runs through my veins double its speed.

Harry is standing there, leaning against the wall, with his travel bag slung over his shoulder. He has his arms crossed over his chest and a huge grin on his face with his dimples as deep and cute as ever.

I've been thinking about what Lani said on Thanksgiving. I've also been thinking about how much I fucking hate crushes. So ever since then, I've been trying to stop thinking about Harry in hopes that my feelings for him would dissolve. I think I've been doing a pretty good job so far.

Well, I thought I did until I saw him today.


"So are you going to tell me why you're here?" I ask as I close the door. He sets his bag down and dramatically slumps down on the couch. I move to sit across from him.

"Elise and I had a big fight," he groans. I'm somehow not very surprised and I feel bad for feeling happy that they're having problems.


"Yeah," he sighs. He relaxes further into the couch and closes his eyes as he continues to talk. "It's not just that. We've been fighting for a while now."


"We haven't been on good terms for the past couple of months and we've been trying to resolve our problems but nothing works. We just fight all the time. We've just been putting on a fake smile for everyone since then."

I move to sit next to him.

"I just- I can't stand how stubborn she is all the time and she never admits to when something is her fault. It's so stereotypical for her to assume that the guy has to be the one to apologize. I don't know I'm just... exhausted with fighting her all the time."

I want to ask him what they fought over to have Harry fly all the way here to New York seeking comfort from me. But I'm pretty sure he would've mentioned it by now. Maybe it's just been a problem they've been dealing with for a while and I'm really nosey to wanna know what it is.

"So did you guys break up or?" I carefully ask.

If he says no, I'll break down. But if he says yes, then all the hard work I've started to lose my feelings for him will be destroyed.

"I don't know... I don't think so. We never broke up in words but our fight was pretty big. I know I came here to talk about it with you but I kinda wanna just be done with it."

"Okay. Just talk to me when you're ready," I assure him and experimentally rest my hand on his shoulder. I still feel a small spark but that was just it; small. I'm getting there. Slowly, but surely.

"Thanks for listening,"he says and leans his head back.

I decided to pull up Disney movies to watch with him for the rest of the night until he falls asleep. Two movies later and he's already knocked out.

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