11 // ❀600 days before❀

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The rest of the week goes by like it usually does. Nothing really interesting happened at work besides the fact that I got to meet a lot of new people and other celebrities. Graham's been gratefully acting like more of a mentor for me lately and guiding me through meetings rather than having me just take notes.

I'm actually kind of glad I'll be going on the Europe tour in a week. It'll be more of an adventure compared to just sitting behind a desk every day.

It's finally Friday night and I'm curled up on my couch eating Chinese takeout and marathoning all of the Saw films on Netflix. My phone vibrates next to me and an email notification from Graham appears with an attachment of the itinerary and travel details for the trip.

Shit. I should probably start packing for that soon. I know that if I don't anytime soon, I'll leave all the packing responsibilities for the morning of.

I decide to do just that. I get up and find my old suitcase and spread it out on my bedroom floor. I don't even know how much clothes or what I should even bring on this trip. Graham said we'll get a break to go home for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays meaning I should only pack enough for two and a half months. For now at least.

My phone vibrates and rings again and this time it's a text from Harry.

"Can I come over? ;) -H Xx"

What a random turn of events. Part of me wants to say yes just so that I can hang out with him. But I'm also too lazy to make myself look more presentable or at least decent enough. My hair's a mess from the nap I took earlier and I'm already changed into the pajamas I've had since I was 14 years old.

"No." I curtly text back.

When I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room, I realize that it's an even bigger mess than I am. Countless pizza boxes and water bottles litter the coffee table and my school books are open and spread out all over the floor.

I hear a knock on the door and before I can even move to find out who it is, it opens wide and Harry and his stupid skinny jeans and cleavage come strutting in.

"It's too late, Daisy. I'm already here." He smiles. "And seriously? You keep your door unlocked? What if I were some crazy intruder?" he lectures half-heartedly with an expression of disbelief.

"You are the intruder!" I practically yell, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a bit happy he came over. I was getting a little bored. He laughs and sits on my couch, making himself at home, as usual, by kicking his feet up and resting it on my coffee table.

"Why would you even text me if you were already here?" I start to close and put my books away as well as cleaning any bits of trash from the coffee table.

"To be polite," he simply answers. "So what are you up tonight?" he asks and lays his head on his hands behind him.

"Harry, don't you have a club or a party to go to with your other famous friends?" I ask, ignoring his question.

In return, he ignores mine. "Oh my god! I never thought I'd actually be so irritated with Elise right now!" He groans and slides his hands down his face.

Well, that certainly peaks my interest.

"Why? What happened?" I sit down on the other side of the couch and rest my head on my hand as I face him.

"We were on our first date at Mario's, that new Italian restaurant, and things were going well at first until she brought up how stupid DC Comics is and how Marvel is way better," he whines and mocks Elise with a terrible high-pitched valley girl accent.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now