33 // ❀459 days before❀

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Harry sets both of our suitcases down on the floor near the kitchen of our hotel room. Maybe continuing to share a hotel room is a step in the opposite direction but I'm slowly but surely working on it.

He sighs dramatically and jumps on to the couch.

"I'm exhausted, and it's only the first day back," he comments. I nod in agreement and walk myself around the room.

The past few days have been just a little bit awkward as we tried to get ourselves out of that awkward slump in our friendship. I think what happened over the break slightly dented our friendship.

I've been oddly quiet and Harry's noticed too. At this point, Harry's done with my silence. He always tries to cheer me up and get a word out of me. As much as I appreciate that he cares, it just always brings me back to where I started after I've already made so much progress.

I mean ever since New Year's I haven't thought once about his dimples.

Diyos, those gorgeous dimples. It just amplifies the genuinity of his smile. Shit. I'm getting nowhere again.



"We've... we've gone through a lot these past few days. Maybe we should get over it because I'd really like to talk with you again without it getting all awkward. Plus, touring gets pretty lonely and as much as I love my bandmates and crew, you seem to be the closest thing I have to a best friend these days. And I don't want what happened to ruin our friendship."

There he goes with that fucking awful word again; friend.

"Okay," I half-heartedly answer.

"Okay. Well, as a start of getting rid of all the tension, let's pull a prank on Graham!" He jumps up from the couch excitingly and he has this thrilling childish look on his face.

I cave in. "Like what? It's almost ten, he's probably knocked out by now." I laugh thinking of all the possible pranks we could pull on him. Like that hand in ice-water prank.

Harry reaches deep into the pockets of his sweatpants and pulls out a card key. "I stole his second copy for all the payback of him barging into our rooms all the damn time."

"Diyos, you're my savior!" I praise and he grabs my hand and we run out the door.

We get to the front of his hotel room and I remind Harry about the incident with Ruth in Spain.

"Yeah, let's not talk about that ever again," he teases and starts to slowly slide the card key through the slot of the door. We try to be as quiet as possible but even through the thick material of the door, we could hear music being faintly played from inside his room.

"Is he awake?" I whisperingly ask. Harry puts his finger up to his lips and makes a shushing sound.

"You shush!" I whisper.

"Daisy, you're basically yelling!" he whispers back at a much louder voice than mine.

"Shut up!" I whisper and swat his bicep.

"You shut up!" he swats back with a frustrated expression and now we've steered off track and are swatting at each other.

He leans his ear against the door for a few seconds and continues to unlock the door.

Once we hear the click of the door unlocking, Harry slowly opens the door and makes his way in, with me following close behind. By the time we're both in, we stop dead in our tracks.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now