9 // ❀606 days before❀

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I'm abruptly woken up by a loud knock on the door. I continue to ignore the obnoxious sound as I sit up and wipe whatever guck and dry drool that have formed on my face overnight.

Who could possibly be knocking this early in the morning? I check the time on my phone and realize that it's actually not as early as I thought it was. It's almost one in the afternoon and I pull back the blinds of the window to expose the darkened room to the natural sunlight.

The knocking continues and even though I'm not hungover, it sure feels like it with the sounds of the door initiating a migraine in my fucking head.

"I'm coming!" I yell, whispering a small "that's what she said" comment to myself. Diyos, I'm starting to sound like Harry. I stumble over the boxes on the floor trying to get to the door.

As soon as I unlock and pull it open, I instantly regret it.

Harry's arm is extended, holding himself up on the doorframe. He looks a lot more casual than he usually does with a sweatshirt and his usual tight jeans and boots. He eventually breaks eye contact with my bored expressionless face and allows his eyes to travel down my body as a smirk grows on his face and all of a sudden, my heart starts beating insanely fast as I realize that I'm standing in front of him in only my underwear and bra.

I shut the door in his face before running towards the couch and wrapping the blanket around my body. As soon as I'm covered up, the door opens and Harry walks in eyeing the space around him.

"Cute place," he mutters to himself but loud enough for me to hear.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I glower at him.

"Did you really think you could hook up with my girlfriend and get away with it?" He ignores my question. Instead, he walks across my living room and finds the door to my bedroom. Without permission, he quietly opens the door, peeks his head through for a few seconds before closing it again.

"Are you sure you're straight?" Harry teases with a chuckle. I'm sure the image of Elise in my bed, and the fact that he saw me first with barely any clothing, gave him ideas.

"Why are you here?" I ask again with my voice sounding a bit harsher than the first time.

"Chillax! Ruth told me she was here. There are paps across the street and Elise and I are supposed to make our first public appearance together today," he explains casually while looking around the room. "You play the piano?" He eyes the Tasmanian huon pipe grand piano in the corner with amusement in his eyes. He slowly stalks towards it with intrigue and without my consent, but what does that mean to him anyways, and starts playing random notes.

"No. I spent forty thousand dollars on it solely for decoration," I sarcastically respond following it up with a humorous smile. This time it's his turn to roll his eyes.

"You're funny."

The door to my bedroom bursts open with Elise stumbling out with her hand on her forehead.

"Ugh... why are the two of you yelling?!" She groans and walks to the kitchen, still wearing that skin tight dress from last night, to grab herself a glass of water.

Sure, Elise! Come in and make yourself at home! Hey, while you're at it, why don't you and Harry just move the fuck in?!"

Harry and I look at each other in astonishment before following her steps to the kitchen.

Elise has been busy in the bathroom for the past hour and Harry's sitting on one side of the couch, flicking through channels on the TV, while I sit on the opposite side trying to catch up on some well-needed rest. The only reason I even decided to stay out here with Harry and not hide out in my room is because I know that if I'm not here to babysit then he'd rummage through all of my shit.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now