21 // ❀582 days before❀

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[POSTED SONG: I Won't Say I'm In Love from Hercules]

Everyone is in the hotel's car park basement, loading up the vans and getting ready to depart for the airport. There's a separate car, which I assume is for Elise because she's going to Italy and won't be flying with the rest of us.

I actually haven't seen either her or Harry at all yesterday, not even at breakfast or dinner.

Graham's pacing around the van, phone to his ear, and hair ruffled as a result of his hand going through it multiple times. I assume as a nervous habit.

The doors from the corridor elevator room open and Harry and Elise walk through, hand in hand, and I can instantly taste the bile rising in my throat.

Instead of walking to where we're standing, Harry pulls Elise farther away from the group and they start whispering to each other like gossiping pre-teens. It makes me sick.

Harry smirks and whispers into Elise's ear in which she returns with an eruption of laughter that echoes around the almost empty car park basement. He takes both of her hands in his and they bore into each other's eyes as they whisper their final goodbyes.

Oh my Diyyoooss, they're literally going to see each other in a few days and they're acting as if Harry's being sent off to war.

I roll my eyes, hoping they can sense my distaste, and turn to face the other way. When I do, I see that Ruth was staring at Harry and Elise as well and a look of disbelief stretches across her face followed with a smirk as if to tell Harry Way to go.


I look out and down the window as we swiftly glide over the large clouds. The more planes I ride, the more my paranoia enhances and I'm left with the possibility of a panic attack mid-air. Harry is sitting right next to me as if every other socially acceptable place to sit on was taken.

Graham hesitantly stalks over to us and lightly coughs to grab our attention.

"So, there's been a little problem with the hotel bookings in Paris," he starts to explain.

Apparently the first hotel they booked allegedly "outed" our location and there are hundreds of people waiting outside just to even catch a glimpse of Harry. That caused some sort of domino effect and so did the other two hotels they tried to book. Graham sighed and low key complained about having to take some legal action and making some serious phone calls to some serious people.

Then he told us that everything will be fine because Aunt Amy offered for us to stay at her vacation home about an hour drive South from the city; out in the countryside and all.


📍Paris, France📍

I've seen this house in pictures before but those pictures didn't illustrate how absolutely huge this place actually is. The drive alone was beautiful with an empty field stretching out miles before actually reaching the property. And there are enough rooms to fit all twelve management team members and some of the hair and makeup crew without having everyone bunk in two.

After dumping my bags on my bed and lazily deciding to unpack later tonight, Harry and I start to explore the place.

So far, we've already found a home gym and indoor jacuzzi. We even found the small set of three rooms, still decorated as if five year olds lived here, in a hallway on the ground floor. Aunt Amy didn't have kids or intend to have any, however, she loved me and my siblings as her own and always kept rooms for us at every one of her vacation homes.

Serendipity is for Suckers | h.s. *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now