29 // ❀Christmas❀

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[POSTED SONG: Jingle Bells Coconut Shells by Jimmy Dee]

"Okay, my turn!" Lani squeals excitingly and grabs the lazily wrapped gift in my hands. We've just gone through dinner with the whole family and everyone is sitting in the living room opening their gifts. My mom invited a few of our neighbors and their families so the room is swarmed with little ungrateful kids complaining about the toys they didn't get this year.

"Holy fucking shit! This is perfect!" She throws her arms up and pulls me into a hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

I thought my gift for her was pretty lame but she seemed to be fangirling pretty hard over the signed Harry Styles album.

"He even wrote a personalized message and everything!" she squealed.

"Okay now I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. By the way, he hates you for not giving him a chance in 8 ball."

She rolls her eyes and laughs, holding the album close to her chest. She begins to open the other gift I got her which was a small charm bracelet with two charms already attached. One was in the shape of Oahu and the other was in the shape of New York.

She gapes at it intensely then immediately puts it on.

"Oh my God, I love this! It makes my gift I got for you seem a thousand times more lame now!"

I actually like what she got me. She got me a replica of Hermione's wand from Harry Potter World from when she visited over the summer for vacation. She knows I'm obsessed with Harry Potter so it makes the whole gift buying thing easy for her.

She hugs me again. "I'm really sad you're leaving me tomorrow. I'm gonna miss you," she says into my hair.

"I wish I didn't have to leave and that I could just stay here."

"No, you need to leave," she pulls away. "You have history here that you shouldn't stay marinated in."

"Nice visual."

"Thanks!" she laughs. "Anyways, you live in New York now... and in like a dozen different countries in Europe."

"True," I nod my head slowly.

That also seems to be one of my flaws. I run away from my problems but it's just easier that way.

At least I'll still have a couple of weeks before I have to go back to work. I plan on enjoying the last few silent moments I have to myself in my lonely apartment in New York.

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