4 // ❀

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[POSTED SONG: Wannabe by the Spice Girls]

After a long and very odd day, I finally make it to the door of my overly priced one bedroom apartment. I fumble to unlock the door with my left hand holding Chinese takeout and binders of work assigned to be by Graham balancing on my arm.

As soon as I manage to kick the rickety door open, my eyes land on the stacks of unpacked brown boxes sprawled across the living room. I probably should start unpacking. I've been here for a week already and my procrastination has taken over me tremendously.

The living room pretty much consists of boxes, a sofa, a television, and my bookshelf.

Oh, and the big ass grand piano my aunt had sent here a few days ago as a housewarming gift. Thinking I'd still have the skills of that hobby down, she sent me one, but I should probably let her know that I had quit piano in the fourth grade like everyone else.

I set my food down on the kitchen counter bar and carelessly throw the rest of my stuff on the sofa.

I should call Lani tonight. I haven't spoken to her since I left Hawaii and it probably makes me look like a total douchebag.

Before I know it, I'm already dialing her number and counting the rings before she finally picks up after the third one.

"RIA!" she nearly deafens me with her loud ass voice sounding through the phone's small speakers.

"Lani, chill out, it's just me," I laugh and take a seat on the tall bar stool before unwrapping my food.

"For a second I thought you had dropped off the face of the earth," she laughs.

I miss her and her laugh. It only makes me realize how lonely I actually am here in New York with no actual friends or people to talk to besides Graham and my aunt.

"So how's the city life so far? Did you see Lady Liberty yet? You started your internship today, right? How was it? Did you meet Katy Perry or Lady Gaga or something?" I feel so invaded as she interrogates me.

I ignore most of her questions and decide to only answer one. "It was... weird."

I tell her all about my encounter with Harry Styles this morning and how I ended up meeting with him and his manager and the look on his face when he found out I was Aunt Amy's niece was priceless. As well as the little lunch we had at the Mexican Restaurant across the street in which I highly regretted after when my stomach started to cramp.

"Oh. My God. Ria! How are you acting so calm right now?!" she squeals.

"Lani! My eardrums are going to burst if you keep screaming like that."

We've been best friends since the third grade and we're pretty different from each other which amazes me now that we've grown to become so inseparable all throughout middle and high school. Like I said, I'm not a people person and she is, so I had to sit back and watch as she paraded through high school with different guys and friend groups almost every semester.

But if one thing stayed constant and true in her life, it was our friendship. I don't like the drama and she knew that about me.

"He's gorgeous fucking eye candy please tell me you were all up on him! Did you get his number? Were you flirting? There are millions of girls around the world, myself included, who would literally kill every living being in her path just to even get a whiff of his cologne. So I'm suggesting to you right now, snatch him up before someone else does."

"First of all, no. Second of all, he technically already has a girlfriend." I explain to her the meeting we had today about Harry's team setting him up with a fake relationship. I actually feel a little guilty for telling her even though I'm probably not supposed to be telling anyone about this at all. But she expresses her disbelief about the publicity stunt and the jealous she has of my job position.

We talk for another hour or so as I catch her up on the sleepless nights I've had due to the city noises and she catches me up on her first week back at school. She suggested she'll visit me on Spring break but I explain to her that I'll probably be somewhere in German running around fetching coffee and blueberry muffins for the tour crew.

"But we should still plan it! I don't even know if I want to go. I mean I literally just started my first day here and what if I don't have enough time for school work? I was in college for one year and have already failed at that. This gives me more reason for distraction and procrastination," I say.

"The whole point of online school is to work by your own schedule so that obviously won't be much of a problem," she immediately reasons and I visibly shrug. "Ria, if you go on this tour then you get to be around the hottest piece of ass in the industry."

I listen to her argument and make my decision based on the fact that I've never been to Europe and not because Harry will be there. It'll be fun right? I'd probably be up day and night catering to the needs of people who think so highly of themselves but still, it's a pretty great opportunity to travel.

I still don;'t understand what exactly I'm benefiting from this besides a free vacation though.

I swear I've read this exact story plot in some book or have seen it in some movie somewhere. I mean, what are the odds of someone like me, with absolutely no experience or credibility, randomly receiving the opportunity of a lifetime as a stowaway on world tour? That shit only happens in fiction.

"Okay fine, I'll do it. I'll try it for a couple of months to see if it's something I can handle," I say causing Lani to squeal in excitement. "I just hate how I'm signed up for an assistant's job and not for an actual learning experience." I sigh.

"Oh come on! Do you really think interns have glamorous jobs?" Lani argues.

"I'm rolling my eyes. And I'm telling you because you can't see me." I laugh.

"Well remind me to come visit soon and you will introduce me to Harry as your gorgeous and very successful best friend. You'll also suggest that we'd look like a cute couple in which I'd blush and deny, playing hard to get, and then he'll ask me out on a date."

"You're a fucking psychopath," I mumble underneath my breath in astonishment.

We end our phone call so I can call my aunt. I call to let her know that I'm definitely on board for the Europe tour and she goes through some preliminary steps that I have to take before we leave. I have to get my passport and other forms to the travel agent so she can add me to the travel crew. Then she ends the call to let Graham know that I'll be joining them.

Just yesterday I was fully preparing myself for sitting behind a desk and shadowing Graham in boring business meetings for nine months. I definitely did not expect to be preparing myself for almost a year of traveling in an entirely different continent.

Well... this is going to be fun. It's exciting but I'm hella nervous.

A/N: boring boring boring blah blah blah i know just wait

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