Protect You (Erik Killmonger & T'Challa)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Chelsea...what's wrong?"

You hug your knees to your chest and shake as you begin to cry again. Both boys hug you, wiping your tears and murmuring softly to you.

"I'm's been hard."


You nod and the boys listen as you tell them everything. Your GPA is trash due to you failing a class last semester and as a result you're struggling to bring it up. Your professors (with the exception of two) are just getting on your nerves and you can't stand them. You keep getting rejected for financial aid but your parents can't afford to pay your tuition. No one will hire you and you're just at your breaking point.

"I want to drop out."

"But...what about your dream?" Erik says.

You shrug and the boys hug you as you sit quietly between them.

"How can we help?" T'Challa asks.

"I don't know. It's just...I don't know."

Erik sighs.

"Chelsea...we want to help but we don't like when you lock yourself away."

You nod.

"Promise us you'll try and talk to us. And take care of yourself."

"Okay...I promise..."

They smile as they hug you.
You start doing your normal routine but the boys know you aren't fully back to normal. You are stressed over school and money and you still want to quit.

They come home and see you crying and they know it's been a bad day. They quickly begin their care routine for you.

T'Challa gets you in the shower while Erik orders from one of your favourite restaurants and makes you some tea.

They listen as you talk, hug you, and watch tv with you. You thank them as you fall asleep between them.
T'Challa makes you pancakes and you eat them quietly, not saying anything. You had tried to go into hiding both boys would simply go in your room and stay with you.

You feel like such a burden.

The two are talking and you sit quietly, not listening.

"Why do you two take care of me?"

They look at you before looking at each other.

"Because you're our friend Chelsea," Erik says. "We can't stand by and let you self destruct."

"And if it was one of us you would do the same," T'Challa says softly.

You nod before excusing yourself. They frown.

"Remember you have class!" Erik says.

"I know..."

You walk off.
It's time to leave and you haven't left your room. Erik and T'Challa frown before going to your room. They see the bathroom door is closed. They knock. There's no reply.

Erik unlocks the door and gasps before rushing over to you. You have cut one of your wrist. T'Challa calls 911 as Erik uses his military training. He applies pressure to the wound.


"I'm not letting you die Chelsea. Not when you are stronger than this."

You cry and Erik holds you as T'Challa paces. The EMT arrives soon and stitch you up.

Erik has called your parents and you are sitting with T'Challa as the EMT finish.

"Come on. We are going to the counselling center."

You nod as you let them drag you out.
It's been a months since your attempt and you're doing much better. You still have your days but the two help you through it.

They also started Relationship with you. The suicide attempt made both confess that they love you more than a friend but understand if you didn't want a relationship.

You didn't understand why they wanted you: you're broken and a mess but the two men listed all the reasons they love you and you had given them the brightest smile they had seen in a while.

You're currently sleeping between the two, arms around you and they watch as you sleep peacefully.

"We'll always protect you," T'Challa whispers.

"And we'll always  love you," Erik whispers before kissing your forehead.

They hold you close as they doze off as well.

they'll take it day by day, step by step, but they won't leave your side.

So a few of the things mentioned in this story have currently been happening to myself and I have been very close to just calling it quits. It's hard for me to talk about my emotions because I always feel like I'm burdening those around me and that I'm being selfish.

School has been kicking my ass and money is extremely tight and it's just been shitty Lately. I'm hoping this all passes soon.

Black Panther Anthology जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें