Chapter 37

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Meryl immediately ran over to Don and knelt down beside him. "Don? Baby?"

"Shit..." Don groaned out as his eyes connected with hers and saw the tears in her eyes that were accompanied by her body shaking. "I'm okay..."

Meryl narrowed her eyes at him. "Bull shit; hold on."

"Baby." Don sighed as she went to grab a pillow from the wicker furniture; and moved him to his back with his head on the pillow. "Don't you dare hurt yourself because of me."

Meryl ignored him; she was too busy looking him over as her tears clouded her vision. "What happened? How are you feeling? Are you dizzy? Vision blurry?"

"I got dizzy; and it was hard to walk." Don wanted to be completely honest with her since this had happened. "My vision isn't exactly blurry; it's hazy." He then saw his wife break down in tears. "Hey, I'm okay, baby; I'm not as dizzy as I was."

Meryl shook her head as she broke down. "I was so damn afraid something was going to happen to you with all the stress; damn it, I should have had you checked out yesterday now this happened."

"Baby, I wasn't feeling like this yesterday." Don tried to soothe. "Not until earlier this aft..."

Meryl helped him up when she saw him struggling to stand. "What in the hell do you mean? You've been feeling this way and you didn't tell me? My God, Donald; you are still suffering from head trauma!"

"I just thought I was tired and was stressed." Don watched get her their things together. "I was hoping it was nothing. I was hoping time here with you and relaxing would make it go away."

Meryl flashed angry eyes at him. "You knew? You've been feeling this way and you didn't tell me? Don't you get it, Don?!" Meryl snapped. "You've been recovering from head trauma for 2 months! Your father is in the hospital recovering from a devastating stroke caused by trauma in his brain. Your paternal grandfather died from a stroke; and he was 8 years younger than you are now. I have begged you for months to be careful. I have tried to take care of you; but how can I fucking take care of you if you aren't honest with me? What if you would have fucking stroked out right now? Do you not even care about me and our children? Is your damn pride in proving you're a man more important?!"

"DARL!" Don choked as he tried to pull her to him, hating see her so upset she was shaking as tears poured from her eyes; but she removed herself from his touch. "It is because I love you so fucking much, and you are my world, that I didn't want to worry you. I honestly thought it was stress. I wasn't doing this to hurt you; I was trying to protect you. Here you are here with me and being so amazing with my family; the last thing I wanted was for you to worry about me."

Meryl picked up the babies carries and flashed him a pissed off glare. "You are always the first thing I worry about; along with the kids. I guess that doesn't mean shit to you? Didn't you think it would be better to tell me from the beginning; rather than this fucking happening?"

"SWEETHEART!" Don yelled as he saw her storm out and towards the car. He didn't care if his vision had been hazy, he ran after his wife anyway. "Baby, wait!"

Meryl was putting the babies carriers in the rental car as she watched her husband swaying as he ran to her. "You should not be fucking running if you're dizzy."

"You are more important to me than anything." Don choked as he got to their rental car and leaned against it. "That's why I didn't tell you; I was also trying to convince myself that nothing is wrong because I'm scared, M. I'm scared that I'm having a relapse since it hasn't gone away like I thought it would. I'm scared of putting you through more stress and worry; and that that could take you away from us. That's why I didn't tell you. You risked your life just to save mine; and I need to stop you from getting hurt. I can't let anything happen to you, baby; that's why I didn't tell you."

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