Chapter 6

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In a few hours the Gummer's Tribecca penthouse apartment was quickly buzzing with laughter and conversations as Thanksgiving preparations were in full swing. The kids were all working on the side dishes. While Third and Maeve brought the turkey already cooked; Meryl told the girls just to put it in the warming oven. Liz and Maggie brought the pies already made. Don knew it was killing Meryl not to be in the middle of all the preparations; but was proud that she was staying off her feet. That was until he came back into the den from using the bathroom and saw Third holding Mags while Mike was holding Brady. He sighed as he looked around. "Where is she?"

"I don't think we want to answer that." Larry teased.

Mike laughed at the exasperation on Don's face. "We tried, we did; but cut her a little break, Don. She has pretty much been on bed rest for a year."

"Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday." Third pointed out.

Don nodded as he leaned on his crutches and ran his fingers through his hair. "I know she has; but the doctors still want her to rest. The last thing in the world she needs is to pop those damn stitches again and get another infection."

"You know, Thanksgiving is the one holiday where she and mom would really go all out." Third pointed out. "Christmas was just breakfast and finger foods throughout the day; but Thanksgiving they would cook together in the kitchen all morning. I think that's partly why it's her favorite holiday. No matter how much she might complain about the preparations from year to year."

Don nodded with a smile. "I know it is; and I know how much she misses Mary especially during Thanksgiving. We are both just so close to getting past all this; I just don't want her to relapse and then that WILL frustrate her all over."

"We would have tied her up; but that's more your place." Larry said cheekily.

Third made a face at his friend. "That IS my big sister you're talking about."

"And my daughter in love." Mike said. "I don't need to hear it either."

Don tried not to blush. "I'll see if I can get her to rest with no tying up involved. Mags and Brady okay?"

"We're teaching them all about football." Mike teased. "Don't you worry."

Don laughed. "Okay, I'll be back; either with or without my wife."


Don shook his head as he walked into the dining room as saw his wife setting the table with their fine china. "WHAT are you doing reaching for those plates in the china cabinet?"

"Don!" Meryl sighed. "You scared me."

Don hobbled over to her. "And you scare me when you do things that could pop your stitches."

"I'm fine." Meryl dismissed. "Did you know the boys talked the girls into using paper and plastic so they didn't have to do dishes?"

Don rolled his eyes; thinking it was one day. Yeah, it would be lots of dishes; but surely the boys could handle that. "Well, part of me is glad you're getting the dishes out to teach them a lesson."

"Good." Meryl said triumphantly as she winked at him. "Now, go sit down with your leg up; and I'll just carry on."

Don got closer to her once she put the dishes down; and pulled her to him as he leaned on his crutches. "However, a bigger part of me; the part of me that doesn't want anything to happen to you wants you to go sit down. You are still restricted, M. You haven't been released. Your wounds still look pretty infected."

"Sweetheart, I'm fine." Meryl knew how worried he was; she could understand because that's how she was with him. "My blood sugar numbers were great this morning as well as my heart rate and blood pressure. I'm taking my antibiotics. I didn't get to do anything for Christmas or Hen and Suze's wedding. I didn't even get to make our kids' birthday dinners this year; or an anniversary or Valentine's dinner for you. I won't lift more than I am supposed to. The babies are being taken care of."

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