Chapter 13

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Things were happy and light in the Gummers' kitchen as Don helped meryl cook breakfast the best he could with crutches. Charlie and Charlotte were setting the table in the kitchen. Don looked at Charlie. "Hey Charlie boy, we're supposed to get some snow today. Why don't you open the blinds on the balcony doors so we can see what's going on."

"Maybe it will be a lot and we won't have school tomorrow." Charlie said excitedly as he opened the blinds.

Charlotte's blue eyes got big. "HOLY MOLY! Look at all that snow."

"You two may not have school tomorrow." Meryl smiled. "Oh, I love snow."

Don went over and whispered in her ear. "You think this will change Tom's plans?"

"I kind of hope so." Meryl whispered. "Then we know they're safe. I mean if you don't mind if..."

Don cut off what she was saying by tenderly kissing her lips. "I love having them here; I'm kind of hoping we get them longer."

"See?" Charlotte whispered to her brother. "They are okay."

Charlie laughed. "They kiss everywhere and anywhere."

"I think it's nice." Charlotte smiled. "Like Mom and Dad were."

Don was oblivious that they were being watched. "Okay, Aunt Meryl's famous banana chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast."

"YUM!" Charlie's eyes got big.

Meryl laughed as they sat down with the pancakes and fruit and bacon. "Okay, dig in."

"Your food is so good, Aunt Meryl." Charlotte smiled. "I'm going to miss it."

Charlie nodded with a smile. "We really like it here."

"This is your second home." Don said strongly. "You are ALWAYS welcome here."

Meryl nodded. "Or in Connecticut; wherever we are. You two have our numbers in your phones?"

"Yes." Charlotte smiled. "We promise."

Meryl looked at her goddaughter. "How are you feeling, Charlotte girl?"

"Better this morning." Charlotte said taking a bite out of the pancake. "You're right; chocolate helps."

Don smirked at his wife knowing what Charlotte meant. "Mer, what is that out the doors?"

"What?" Meryl asked looking outside as Don placed more bacon on her plate. "You think I don't know your tricks by now?"

Charlie was confused. "I do that to Charlotte..."

"But he usually takes food away from me." Charlotte laughed along with her brother.

Meryl rolled her eyes. "It's because your Uncle Don wants me to eat more."

"Don't want any of my girls too thin." Don winked as he put another pancake on Charlotte's plate. "I say that later we get some of that snow from the balcony and make snow ice cream!"

Charlie nodded excitedly. "We used to make that with Mom."

"Then that's what we will do." Meryl smiled as they all ate. "Maybe while Uncle Don and I clean up you guys can go out on the balcony and play in it. Uncle Don's sculptures are put away for the winter so there's lots of room to run and play."

Don's hand found hers under the table as he gave her a small smile. "That would be fun."

"In case you DO have school tomorrow." Meryl said making them groan. "Did you have any homework?"

Charlie shook his head. "We always do it right after school before we make our dinner."

"It's a rule we made for ourselves." Charlotte said. "It was always Mom's rule we did our homework right after school so we kept it up."

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