Chapter 17

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"What in the hell do you mean she is after our children?" Don asked as he wrapped his arm around Meryl. "She doesn't even know us."

Tom shook his head. "I wish I knew why; but it is obvious that she is only after money. She wanted me to leave the kids with you all, we would marry then she would take my money. When that didn't work and she sent that letter to you both she thinks you are coming between us; which I told her was not the case."

"She's after the babies for money?" Meryl choked. "Fine. If it will keep them safe; I'll give her however much she wants."

Don kissed the top of her head. "We are NOT letting her get near our babies; and we're sure as hell not giving her one cent. She will NOT get to them, Darl."

"None of us will let that happen." Tom said. "However, I think it's more than just that. I never told her who Meryl was; I only ever used your last name, Don."

Nothing irritated Meryl more than people saying she wasn't a Gummer. "His last name IS my last name."

"He knows that, sweetheart." Don could tell how quickly Meryl was unraveling; and he didn't blame her. "He meant your stage name."

Tom nodded. "She made comments like she would hurt Meryl and go to the press; or she would seduce you, Don; and then tell her story to the press."

"How in the fuck does she seem to think in her pea sized brain that she could EVER make me be unfaithful to MY WIFE?" Don boomed."This I gotta fucking hear."

Tom hated all this. "Chloroform."

"Did she actually fucking say she would use Chloroform to get my husband to fuck her?" Meryl was livid."Is that what she fucking said?"

Tom nodded. "As well as threatening the babies."

"Where are my god damn shoes?" Don boomed as he grabbed his crutches. "Tom, are you going to tell me where this fucking bitch lives or do I need to find out myself?"

Tom looked at Meryl as she pulled him to sit back down. "Don, what are you going to do?"

"What do you think I'm going to do, Mary Louise?!" Don exploded.

Meryl exploded in tears. "Please don't be mad at me; it's bad enough that our marriage and our babies are being threatened. I couldn't take it if you were mad at me through all this."

"Baby, I'm so sorry." Don immediately softened his tone as he pulled her in his arms. "I am not mad at you. You are the last person in the world I am mad at right now, Darl. Secondly, our marriage is NOT being threatened. Our babies are NOT being threatened."

Meryl lifted her head to look at him as he wiped away her tears. "Don, she said she..."

"Our marriage and our babes aren't being threatened because I won't allow them to be." Don tenderly kissed her forehead. "Can you stay with Mer and the babies?"

Meryl pulled on her husband again. "Don, please don't go. Please."

"Mer, nothing will happen between me and this whore..." Don began to say.

Meryl finally smiled for the first time through all of this. "I know that, Don Man; believe me, I know that. I just can't bare the thought of you getting hurt; and I think it will just make matters worse."

"Meryl's right." Tom said. "On my way here I made some calls and I'm putting some investigators on her; they are going to watch her night and day. She won't get near you all."

Don knew the worst thing he could do was leave his wife and their babies; but at the moment he wanted to confront the bitch who was threatening some of the most important people in his life. "I won't go, Darl; of course I'm not leaving you and the babies here."

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