"OW- HEY DONT PULL MY HAIR!" I yank on his hair, not to hard because I'm not THAT rude. "SAY SORRY!" I yell. Corbyn was recording us. "NEVER!" He yelled back. "YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS OR IM GOING TO PULL HARDER!" everyone around us was dying of laughter. "3.. 2.." "OKAY OKAY SORRY" I release my tight grip. "sorry for what?" He huffs. I grab onto his hair again. "OKAY IM SORRY I SCARED YOU" I smile and jump off his back. I dust myself off "now shall we" I start to walk towards the beach. Everyones laughter fills my ears.

"Told ya so" Anna says. I turn around and smile widely. Zach squints his eyes at me. "Ima get you later" he threats. I smile and wink at him "what ever you say zachie Pooh" he rolls his eyes and I turn back walking closer to the beach. The sun looked like it was going to set in an hour. The sky had already became a deep orange color around the sun.

When we finally reach a spot to sit we set up a boom fire and sat around it. I sat on a log facing the sun as it set. I took multiple photos of it. There was small conversations between the group but I kind of let myself get lost in the sky. "hey" his voice was low and sent shivers down my spine. "hi" I say not taking my eyes off the now dark starry sky. "what are you doing?" I smile a little "watching the stars, it kind of sucks her tho, it's much clearer in Portland." He looks up with me "yea Portland you can almost see everything" as my eyes wandered the sky I grabbed onto the log to keep balance. My hand lands on his "sor-" we both say and pull away. He chuckles and his eyes turn a soft blue. "it's okay" and we both say, our faces turned red he chuckles a little, I smile and bit the inside of my cheek and stare into his soft ocean blue eyes.

I gulp and turn back to the sky, it's like all my confidence from earlier hid in a dark corner. He turns back to the sky looking slightly discouraged. We stay looking at the sky till Jonah yells to us "LETS GO GUYS" we both jump and run to the car.

Anna quickly fell asleep and i squeezed in between the two seaveys. My body was pressed against Daniel and I could feel my heart beat in my head. I leaned my head back in the seat. "did you have fun?" He asks quietly. I nod "yea, it was a lot of fun" he smiled "good". God this boy is good looking. He smirked a little and placed his hand on my leg. I keep my guard up and decided to lean my head in his shoulder but by doing that only made me tired within minutes I was asleep.

I felt a warm hand touched my cheek. I didn't move, they whispered to me "hey we're almost home Hallie" I move slightly, I didn't want to wake up. I open my eyes slightly. I had one arm wrapped around his torso, I feel a blush come on to my cheeks. "I know you're up" he whispers. I open my eyes and look up at him with a frown. He chuckles quietly. I sit up straight stretching my arms and back. He watches me as I do it. Anna was still asleep, I tapped her cheek. "Anna" just like that her eyes fluttered open. Jonah pulls into the driveway and she stretches just as I did.

I click open my phone, I had many notifications come pouring in. I ignored then and glanced at the clock, it was 1 in the morning. We slowly left the car and walked inside. Everyone was tired from the long day of driving and being at the beach. Everyone went straight to bed but I was in need of some water. I grab a bottle of water and sit at the island looking out the back window. I stayed quiet as my mind raced with different thoughts, just like every night. Random crazy thoughts would run through my head. Like which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or why did the chicken always have to cross the street? I chuckle at my idiot mind. The kitchen door opens and i jump a little I see a wide eyed Daniel. "sorry I didn't know you were in here" I smile "it's fine" he grabbed a water and sat in the chair next to me. "so whatcha thinking about?" I take another sip of my water "why did the chicken always need to cross the road?" He spits out his water and hysterically begins to laugh, seeing him in this state made me laugh. "oh my god, you're joking?" I shake my head no "no no I'm serious, why?" He chuckled and cocked his head back as he laughed. I put my hand on his arm "shhh, people are trying to sleep" he calmed down but still laughed. "you're something different" I raise an eyebrow "are we supposed to begin to sing the song?" He smiles widely "no but if you did I'd enjoy it" I pretend like I'm gonna start singing "we on- fire!" He rolls his eyes, I begin to blush at him. We kind of kept quiet after that, we would glance at one another here and there, I send smiles to eachother but we sat in comfortable silence. I yawned and a few seconds later he did as well. "im gonna get to bed Dani" I say getting off the chair. He got off his "goodnight Hal" he said pulling me into a hug. His big arms gave a tight squeeze, the scent of him filled my nose, I didn't want to let go but I did. "goodnight Dani" I walk out of the kitchen going to room and falling asleep.

Daniels POV

She walks out of the kitchen. I wait a few seconds before sighing, do I really like her? I met her like a month ago and I have all these random feelings, that I've never had before. But I can't like her. Shes my sister's Best friend.


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