Hey guys! just a couple of things

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  • Dedicated to ALL OF YOU


okay, so I'm thinking about doin' another draw! 

I don't know what to do for it though.... Any ideas???

But also to enter you must VOTE and COMMENT "BACON IS FABULOUS" on my next update will be the draw just letting y'alls know.

Also, If you guys could pretty pretty please check out my other books? It'd mean alot to me >.< if not, then... it's alright.

But I'd really enjoy/Appreciate  it if you'd give them a chance! 


(I know this doesn't do much justice, but still) Also a HUGE THANKS to everyone who supported me and stayed patient for me when I wasn't really me. I really appreciate that, That means ALOT, like it means the world to me. I honestly don't know where I'd be without all of you. You guys are the reason why this book/story is here. So you guys deserve some credit, cause without you this would'nt be here. So thank yourselves! You guys mean alot to me, I know I say it alot, but it is REALLY true, like, words really can't describe. Even on my lowest of lows I know I have you guys to support me and keep me going, and for that I really thank you. Hell, I could go on all day , but that'd be alot of writing and I know not alot of people would put up with it. So again, really, Thank you, You guys mean the world to me. Remember that.

Until Next Time~ Nadia O3O

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