Releasing the prisoner

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Hey peeps!!!!

Sooo I am trying to update more quickly cause I feel like Im losing peoples interest in my book because I take too long to update........


I shalls just let you read and not make an annoyingly long beginning authors note




"I'm sorry princess" He apologized 

"Its okay.... but why don't you just wipe his memory and then release him?" I asked curiously 

"Thats a good Idea" Zayn thought aloud 

I slowly started to drift off into a deep sleep, and before I fell asleep Zayn whispered "Good night princess, I love you" 

And with that I fell into a peaceful sleep.


~Zayn's P.O.V~

After dinner, Ava told us we had to clean the dishes. So we did, and we did the dishes quickly. Once we were done we all went to go watch some Tv, when I spotted the 'prison' room door open, I slightly tugged onto Harry's arm and he stopped.

"What Zayn?" He asked

"I thought you shut the door?" I asked nodding towards the now open door

"I did" He said 

Our eyes widen and we silently made our way down the stairs where we heard Mike and Ava talking 

"Why are you here, and why shouldn't I be down here?"

"Because-"  Harry slammed the door shut when we came out of the stairway, Our eyes probably amber, cause I know our wolves were angry that she would disobey us. 

"Shit" She cursed 

"Shit is correct" I said as I picked her up and started to bring her upstairs

I heard antagonizing screams come from Mike and a snap, Ava burried her head into my chest as if trying to block what was happening from her. Once I got up the stairs she wriggled out of my hold and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I don't know who's the real monster anymore" She cried and ran into her room

I felt my heart rip into a million little pieces, and My wolf howling in pain. I felt tears threaten to spill from my eyes so I ran and shifted into my wolf, running away from what I have done. I reached the forest and let out a howl of sorrow. I heard a snap, and I looked over to see Harry in his wolf form and he joined me, 

"I'm sorry"Harry mind-linked me

"why are you sorry? It was my fault" I said 

"No it was our fault" He said 

We just sat there, not knowing what to say or do.... My mate just called me a monster........

I shook my head, how could I have been so stupid, that waste used to date Ava, they probably Dated for quite a while too.... I'm such a Fuck up........

Another snap and I looked up to see Liam, walking to us.

"Guys, come back to the house, Ava wont speak to anyone" He said worriedly 

We shifted back and got dressed, and walked back to the house. When we got to Ava's room I stopped 

"She called me a monster, I don't think she'd want to see me" I said mostly to myself 

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